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Professor LUCY CRAGG's Outputs (4)

Using drift diffusion modeling to understand inattentive behavior in preterm and term-born children. (2019)
Journal Article
Retzler, J., Retzler, C., Groom, M., Johnson, S., & Cragg, L. (2020). Using drift diffusion modeling to understand inattentive behavior in preterm and term-born children. Neuropsychology, 34(1), 77-87.

Objective: Children born very preterm are at increased risk of inattention, but it remains unclear whether the underlying processes are the same as in their term-born peers. Drift diffusion modelling (DDM) may better characterise the cognitive proces... Read More about Using drift diffusion modeling to understand inattentive behavior in preterm and term-born children..

Mathematics students demonstrate superior visuo-spatial working memory to humanities students under conditions of low central executive processing load (2019)
Journal Article
Hubber, P. J., Gilmore, C., & Cragg, L. (2019). Mathematics students demonstrate superior visuo-spatial working memory to humanities students under conditions of low central executive processing load. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 5(2), 189-219.

Previous research has demonstrated that working memory performance is linked to mathematics achievement. Most previous studies have involved children and arithmetic rather than more advanced forms of mathematics. This study compared the performance o... Read More about Mathematics students demonstrate superior visuo-spatial working memory to humanities students under conditions of low central executive processing load.

Improving developmental and educational support for children born preterm: evaluation of an e-learning resource for education professionals (2019)
Journal Article
Johnson, S., Bamber, D., Bountziouka, V., Clayton, S., Cragg, L., Gilmore, C., Griffiths, R., Marlow, N., Simms, V., & Wharrad, H. J. (2019). Improving developmental and educational support for children born preterm: evaluation of an e-learning resource for education professionals. BMJ Open, 9(6), 1-8.

Objectives Children born preterm are at higher risk for special educational needs and poor academic attainment compared with term-born peers, yet education professionals receive limited training and have poor knowledge of preterm birth. We have devel... Read More about Improving developmental and educational support for children born preterm: evaluation of an e-learning resource for education professionals.

Cross-modal interference-control is reduced in childhood but maintained in aging: a cohort study of stimulus-and response-interference in cross-modal and unimodal Stroop tasks (2019)
Journal Article
Hirst, R. J., Kicks, E. C., Allen, H. A., & Cragg, L. (2019). Cross-modal interference-control is reduced in childhood but maintained in aging: a cohort study of stimulus-and response-interference in cross-modal and unimodal Stroop tasks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45(5), 553-572.

Interference-control is the ability to exclude distractions and focus on a specific task or stimulus. However, it is currently unclear whether the same interference-control mechanisms underlie the ability to ignore unimodal and cross-modal distractio... Read More about Cross-modal interference-control is reduced in childhood but maintained in aging: a cohort study of stimulus-and response-interference in cross-modal and unimodal Stroop tasks.