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Simon Welham's Outputs (25)

Vegans and vegetarians living in Nottingham (UK) continue to be at risk of iodine deficiency (2022)
Journal Article
Eveleigh, E., Coneyworth, L., Zhou, M., Burdett, H., Malla, J., Nguyen, V. H., & Welham, S. (2023). Vegans and vegetarians living in Nottingham (UK) continue to be at risk of iodine deficiency. British Journal of Nutrition, 129(9), 1510-1527.

Iodine is essential for thyroid hormone synthesis. Individuals adhering to vegan and vegetarian diets have been found to be vulnerable to iodine deficiency. Yet, iodine has not been monitored in these groups across time. This study aims to investigat... Read More about Vegans and vegetarians living in Nottingham (UK) continue to be at risk of iodine deficiency.

Trace Mineral Intake and Deficiencies in Older Adults Living in the Community and Institutions: A Systematic Review (2020)
Journal Article
Vural, Z., Avery, A., Kalogiros, D. I., Coneyworth, L. J., & Welham, S. J. (2020). Trace Mineral Intake and Deficiencies in Older Adults Living in the Community and Institutions: A Systematic Review. Nutrients, 12(4), Article 1022.

© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The global population is ageing with many older adults suffering from age-related malnutrition, including micronutrient deficiencies. Adequate nutrient intake is vital to enable older adults t... Read More about Trace Mineral Intake and Deficiencies in Older Adults Living in the Community and Institutions: A Systematic Review.

Geographical and seasonal variation in Iodine content of cow’s milk in the UK and consequences for the consumer´s supply (2020)
Journal Article
Coneyworth, L. J., Welham, S. J., Coulthard, L. C., Bailey, E. H., Young, S. D., Stubberfield, J., Parsons, L., Saunders, N., Watson, E., & Homer, E. M. (2020). Geographical and seasonal variation in Iodine content of cow’s milk in the UK and consequences for the consumer´s supply. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 59, Article 126453.

Background. Dairy products provide a crucial source of dietary iodine for the majority of the UK population, contributing approximately 30-40 % of daily intake. Fluctuations in the iodine content of purchased milk both seasonally and annually implies... Read More about Geographical and seasonal variation in Iodine content of cow’s milk in the UK and consequences for the consumer´s supply.

Protein restriction in the pregnant mouse modifies fetal growth and pulmonary development: Role of fetal exposure to β-hydroxybutyrate (2010)
Journal Article
Langley-Evans, S. C., Daniel, Z. C., Wells, C. A., Ryan, K. J., Plant, R., & Welham, S. J. (2011). Protein restriction in the pregnant mouse modifies fetal growth and pulmonary development: Role of fetal exposure to β-hydroxybutyrate. Experimental Physiology, 96(2), 203-215.

Maternal undernutrition during sensitive periods of pregnancy results in offspring predisposed towards the development of a number of diseases of adulthood, including hypertension and diabetes. In order to determine the nature of any gross alteration... Read More about Protein restriction in the pregnant mouse modifies fetal growth and pulmonary development: Role of fetal exposure to β-hydroxybutyrate.