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Dr DAVID SCURR's Outputs (1)

Identifying new biomarkers of aggressive Group 3 and SHH medulloblastoma using 3D hydrogel models, single cell RNA sequencing and 3D OrbiSIMS imaging (2023)
Journal Article
Linke, F., Johnson, J. E. C., Kern, S., Bennett, C. D., Lourdusamy, A., Lea, D., Clifford, S. C., Merry, C. L. R., Stolnik, S., Alexander, M. R., Peet, A. C., Scurr, D. J., Griffiths, R. L., Grabowska, A. M., Kerr, I. D., & Coyle, B. (2023). Identifying new biomarkers of aggressive Group 3 and SHH medulloblastoma using 3D hydrogel models, single cell RNA sequencing and 3D OrbiSIMS imaging. Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 11(1), Article 6.

The most common malignant brain tumour in children, medulloblastoma (MB), is subdivided into four clinically relevant molecular subgroups, although targeted therapy options informed by understanding of different cellular features are lacking. Here, b... Read More about Identifying new biomarkers of aggressive Group 3 and SHH medulloblastoma using 3D hydrogel models, single cell RNA sequencing and 3D OrbiSIMS imaging.