Book Chapter
Gao, X., & Thondhlana, J. (2021). Education. In S. Pihlaja (Ed.), Analysing Religious Discourse (179-196). Cambridge University Press
Professor JULIET THONDHLANA's Outputs (9)
Fostering Local Enterprise Development in Resource-Constrained Developing Countries: Matarenda and Microcredit Compared (2021)
Book Chapter
Siwale, J., Thondhlana, J., & Madziva, R. (2021). Fostering Local Enterprise Development in Resource-Constrained Developing Countries: Matarenda and Microcredit Compared. In S. D. Chingarande, J. Thondhlana, R. Madziva, & A. H. Anderson. (Eds.), Matarenda/Talents in Zimbabwean Pentecostalism: Empowerment, Gender and Development in an African Movement (76-97). Brill Academic Publishers.
Salient issues in the internationalization of higher education in the Global South, concluding observations (2021)
Book Chapter
Thondhlana, J., Garwe, E., & de Wit, H. (2021). Salient issues in the internationalization of higher education in the Global South, concluding observations. In J. Thondhlana, E. Chiyevo Garwe, H. de Wit, J. Gacel-Ávila, F. Huang, & W. Tamrat (Eds.), The Bloomsbury handbook of the internationalization of higher education in the Global South (596-609). Bloomsbury Publishing
Conclusion: The state of internationalization of higher education in sub-Saharan Africa (2021)
Book Chapter
Thondhlana, J., Abdulrahman, H., Evelyn, G., & Sabelo, N.-G. (2021). Conclusion: The state of internationalization of higher education in sub-Saharan Africa. In J. Thondhlana, E. Chiyevo Garwe, H. de Wit, J. Gacel-Ávila, F. Huang, & W. Tamrat (Eds.), The Bloomsbury handbook of the internationalization of higher education in the Global South (585-595). Bloomsbury Publishing
Exploring the Pentecostal faith—sustainability—entrepreneurship nexus in Zimbabwe (2018)
Book Chapter
Anderson, A. H., Clifford, M., Madziva, R., Thondhlana, J., & Goronga, P. (2018). Exploring the Pentecostal faith—sustainability—entrepreneurship nexus in Zimbabwe. In W. L. Filo, & A. C. McCrea (Eds.), Sustainability and the humanities (225-237). Springer Publishing Company. aim of this paper is to explore the intersection between sustainability and the humanities, specifically the Pentecostal faith—entrepreneurship—sustainability nexus in Zimbabwe. It focuses on The Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa (ZAOGA) and asso... Read More about Exploring the Pentecostal faith—sustainability—entrepreneurship nexus in Zimbabwe.
Skilled migrant African women of faith and diaspora investment (2018)
Book Chapter
Thondhlana, J., & Madziva, R. (2018). Skilled migrant African women of faith and diaspora investment. In D. Hack-Polay, & J. Siwale (Eds.), African diaspora direct investment: establishing the economic and socio-cultural rationale. Palgrave Macmillan
Exploring gender and diaspora investment among diaspora women in the United Kingdom (2018)
Book Chapter
Madziva, R., Siwale, J., & Thondhlana, J. (2018). Exploring gender and diaspora investment among diaspora women in the United Kingdom. In African diaspora direct investment: establishing the economic and socio-cultural rationale. Palgrave Macmillan
English language as an integration tool: the case of Syrian refugees to the UK (2017)
Book Chapter
Thondhlana, J., & Madziva, R. (2017). English language as an integration tool: the case of Syrian refugees to the UK. In E. Erling (Ed.), English across fracture lines: the contribution and relevance of English to security, safety and stability in the world. British Council
The hidden face of discrimination in the global labour market: the case of Zimbabwean highly skilled migrants in the UK (2014)
Book Chapter
Madziva, R., McGrath, S., & Thondhlana, J. (2014). The hidden face of discrimination in the global labour market: the case of Zimbabwean highly skilled migrants in the UK. In Invisible visible minority-confronting Afrophobia and advancing equality for people of African descent and Black Europeans. ENAR