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Professor DEREK IRVINE's Outputs (2)

Development of C. albican Anti-attachment Inkjet 3D Printing Ink, via High Throughput Screening (2025)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Yong, L. X., Zhou, Z., Vallières, C., He, Y., Cuzzucoli Crucitti, V., Alexander, M. R., Avery, S., Wildman, R., & Irvine, D. (2024, August). Development of C. albican Anti-attachment Inkjet 3D Printing Ink, via High Throughput Screening. Presented at International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Singapore, Singapore

The fungal pathogen Candida albicans (C. albicans) is particularly problematic for immunocompromised patients and those with medical implants. Introducing Candida-resistant medical devices could potentially reduce mortality rates from such infections... Read More about Development of C. albican Anti-attachment Inkjet 3D Printing Ink, via High Throughput Screening.

Processing and properties of PLA-HA nanocomposites: The effect of particle morphology and dispersants (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tomczynska, M. M., Ward, M., Choong, G. Y. H., Walton, K., De Focatiis, D. S. A., Grant, D. M., Irvine, D. J., & Parsons, A. J. (2016, July). Processing and properties of PLA-HA nanocomposites: The effect of particle morphology and dispersants. Presented at 32nd International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-32), Lyon, France

Biodegradable polylactic acid nanocomposites for orthopaedic implants require optimum particle dispersion and high molecular weight in load bearing applications. Novel coated hydroxyapatite nanoparticles can offer new opportunities for enhanced dispe... Read More about Processing and properties of PLA-HA nanocomposites: The effect of particle morphology and dispersants.