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Professor KAPIL SAYAL's Outputs (2)

Injury among children and young people with and without attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder in the community: the risk of fractures, thermal injuries and poisonings (2018)
Journal Article
Prasad, V., West, J., Sayal, K., & Kendrick, D. (2018). Injury among children and young people with and without attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder in the community: the risk of fractures, thermal injuries and poisonings. Child: Care, Health and Development, 44(6), 871-878.

Background: Injuries commonly cause morbidity and mortality in children and young people (CYP). Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the commonest neurobehavioural disorder in CYP and is associated with increased injury risk. However, l... Read More about Injury among children and young people with and without attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder in the community: the risk of fractures, thermal injuries and poisonings.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: variation by socio-economic deprivation (2018)
Journal Article
Prasad, V., West, J., Kendrick, D., & Sayal, K. (2019). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: variation by socio-economic deprivation. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 104(8), 802-805.

Background: In England, there is a discrepancy between the prevalence of Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) ascertained from medical records and community surveys. There is also a lack of data on variation in recorded prevalence by depri... Read More about Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: variation by socio-economic deprivation.