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Professor ANTONIO PADILLA's Outputs (2)

Multi-Galileons, solitons, and Derrick’s theorem (2011)
Journal Article
Padilla, A., Saffin, P. M., & Zhou, S.-Y. (2011). Multi-Galileons, solitons, and Derrick’s theorem. Physical Review D, 83(4),

The field theory Galilean symmetry, which was introduced in the context of modified gravity, gives a neat way to construct Lorentz-covariant theories of a scalar field, such that the equations of motion contain at most second-order derivatives. Here... Read More about Multi-Galileons, solitons, and Derrick’s theorem.

Bi-galileon theory II: phenomenology (2011)
Journal Article
Padilla, A., Saffin, P. M., & Zhou, S.-Y. (2011). Bi-galileon theory II: phenomenology. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(1),

We continue to introduce bi-galileon theory, the generalisation of the single galileon model introduced by Nicolis et al. The theory contains two coupled scalar fields and is described by a Lagrangian that is invariant under Galilean shifts in those... Read More about Bi-galileon theory II: phenomenology.