Does the Directive on the re-use of public sector information affect the State’s database sui generis right?
Book Chapter
Derclaye, E. (2008). Does the Directive on the re-use of public sector information affect the State’s database sui generis right?. In J.-L. Gaster, E. Schweighofer, & P. P. Sint (Eds.), KnowRight 2008: knowledge rights - legal, societal and related technological aspects. Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft
Professor Estelle Derclaye's Outputs (6)
Flashing Badge v Groves: a step forward in the clarification of the copyright/design interface (2008)
Journal Article
Derclaye, E. (2008). Flashing Badge v Groves: a step forward in the clarification of the copyright/design interface. European Intellectual Property Review, 30(6),
French Supreme Court rules fashion shows protected by copyright – what about the UK? (2008)
Journal Article
Derclaye, E. (2008). French Supreme Court rules fashion shows protected by copyright – what about the UK?. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, 3(5),
Intellectual property rights and global warming (2008)
Journal Article
Derclaye, E. (2008). Intellectual property rights and global warmingThe issue of global warming is everywhere. Not only does the topic fill the pages and screens of all media, e.g. newspapers and reviews or films , it also regularly and increasingly occupies private companies , economists , lawyers , scientists and... Read More about Intellectual property rights and global warming.
Intellectual property rights and human rights: coinciding and cooperating. (2008)
Book Chapter
Derclaye, E. (2008). Intellectual property rights and human rights: coinciding and cooperating. In P. Torremans (Ed.), Intellectual property rights and human rights: enhanced edition of Copyright and human rights. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business
Of maps, Crown copyright, research and the environment (2008)
Journal Article
Derclaye, E. (2008). Of maps, Crown copyright, research and the environment. European Intellectual Property Review, 30(4),