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Traceable measurement and imaging of the complex permittivity of a multiphase mineral specimen at micron scales using a microwave microscope (2016)
Journal Article
Gregory, A., Blackburn, J., Hodgetts, T., Clarke, R., Lees, K., Plint, S., & Dimitrakis, G. (2017). Traceable measurement and imaging of the complex permittivity of a multiphase mineral specimen at micron scales using a microwave microscope. Ultramicroscopy, 172, 65-74.

This paper describes traceable measurements of the dielectric permittivity and loss tangent of a multiphase material (particulate rock set in epoxy) at micron scales using a resonant Near-Field Scanning Microwave Microscope (NSMM) at 1.2 GHz. Calibra... Read More about Traceable measurement and imaging of the complex permittivity of a multiphase mineral specimen at micron scales using a microwave microscope.

Characterisation of potato crisp effective porosity using micro-CT (2016)
Journal Article
Renshaw, R. C., Robinson, J. P., Dimitrakis, G., Bows, J. R., & Kingman, S. W. (2016). Characterisation of potato crisp effective porosity using micro-CT. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96(13), 4440-4448.


The effective porosity is an important quantitative parameter for food products that has a significant effect on taste and quality. It is challenging to quantify the apparent porosity of fried potato crisps as they have a thin irregular... Read More about Characterisation of potato crisp effective porosity using micro-CT.