Colonial and nationalist truth regimes: empire, Europe and the latter Foucault
Book Chapter
Legg, S. (2018). Colonial and nationalist truth regimes: empire, Europe and the latter Foucault. In S. Legg, & D. Heath (Eds.), South Asian Governmentalities: Michel Foucault and the Question of Postcolonial Orderings. Cambridge University Press
Professor STEPHEN LEGG's Outputs (2)
Demanding the impossible: a strike zine (2018)
Legg, S., Clare, N., Field, R., Forsyth, I., Freeman, C., French, S., Jewitt, S., Langmead, K., McGowan, S., Morris, C., Norcup, J., Seymour, S., & Soccorsy, E. (2018). Demanding the impossible: a strike zineA co-authored and co-curated series of reflections on the 2018 UCU strikes in British Universities, protesting against proposed pension reforms.