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Professor MOHAMMAD ILYAS's Outputs (1)

C-terminal Tensin-like (CTEN) is an oncogene which alters cell motility possibly through repression of E-cadherin in colorectal cancer (2008)
Journal Article
Albasri, A., Seth, R., Jackson, D., Benhasouna, A., Crook, S., Nateri, A. S., Chapman, R., & Ilyas, M. (2009). C-terminal Tensin-like (CTEN) is an oncogene which alters cell motility possibly through repression of E-cadherin in colorectal cancer. The Journal of Pathology, 218(1), 57-65.

The Tensin gene family encodes proteins thought to modulate integrin function. C-terminal Tensin-like (CTEN) is a member of the Tensin gene family which lacks the N-terminus actin-binding domain. Cten is reported to have both oncogenic and tumour-sup... Read More about C-terminal Tensin-like (CTEN) is an oncogene which alters cell motility possibly through repression of E-cadherin in colorectal cancer.