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Professor ANTONINO LA ROCCA's Outputs (3)

Towards keeping diesel fuel supply and demand in balance: dual-fuelling of diesel engines with natural gas (2016)
Journal Article
Hegab, A., La Rocca, A., & Shayler, P. (2017). Towards keeping diesel fuel supply and demand in balance: dual-fuelling of diesel engines with natural gas. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 70, 666-697.

With the continuous growth of energy demand for the commercial transport sector, the market share of diesel vehicles is rising in several areas worldwide. Global demand for transport energy is therefore believed to be strongly skewed towards heavier... Read More about Towards keeping diesel fuel supply and demand in balance: dual-fuelling of diesel engines with natural gas.

Characterisation of flame-generated soot and soot-in-oil using electron tomography volume reconstructions and comparison with traditional 2D-TEM measurements (2016)
Journal Article
Orhan, O., Haffner-Staton, E., La Rocca, A., & Fay, M. (2016). Characterisation of flame-generated soot and soot-in-oil using electron tomography volume reconstructions and comparison with traditional 2D-TEM measurements. Tribology International, 104, 272-284.

This work characterises soot nanoparticles by electron tomography using Weighted Back Projection algorithm and appraises the uncertainties in two-dimensional calculations by comparison with 3D parameters for flame-generated soot and diesel soot-in-oi... Read More about Characterisation of flame-generated soot and soot-in-oil using electron tomography volume reconstructions and comparison with traditional 2D-TEM measurements.

The initiation and development of combustion under cold idling conditions using a glow plug in diesel engines (2016)
Journal Article
Li, Q., Shayler, P. J., McGhee, M. J., & La Rocca, A. (2017). The initiation and development of combustion under cold idling conditions using a glow plug in diesel engines. International Journal of Engine Research, 18(3), 240-255.

Factors determining the success or failure of combustion initiation using a glow plug have been investigated through experimental work on a single cylinder, common rail diesel engine with a geometric compression ratio of 15.5, and a quiescent combust... Read More about The initiation and development of combustion under cold idling conditions using a glow plug in diesel engines.