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Professor OMAR ALMAINI's Outputs (63)

The SCUBA-2 cosmology legacy survey: ALMA resolves the rest-frame far-infrared emission of sub-millemeter galaxies (2015)
Journal Article
Simpson, J. M., Smail, I., Swinbank, A. M., Almaini, O., Blain, A. W., Bremer, M. N., Chapman, S. C., Chen, C.-C., Conselice, C., Coppin, K. E. K., Danielson, A. L. R., Dunlop, J. S., Edge, A. C., Farrah, D., Geach, J. E., Hartley, W. G., Ivison, R. J., Karim, A., Lani, C., Ma, C.-J., …van der Werf, P. P. (2015). The SCUBA-2 cosmology legacy survey: ALMA resolves the rest-frame far-infrared emission of sub-millemeter galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 799(1), 81.

We present high-resolution (0’’.3) Atacama Large Millimeter Array 870 μm imaging of 52 sub-millimeter galaxies (SMGs) in the Ultra Deep Survey field to investigate the size and morphology of the sub-millimeter (sub-mm) emission on 2–10 kpc scales. We... Read More about The SCUBA-2 cosmology legacy survey: ALMA resolves the rest-frame far-infrared emission of sub-millemeter galaxies.

Deconstructing the galaxy stellar mass function with UKIDSS and CANDELS: the impact of colour, structure and environment (2014)
Journal Article
Mortlock, A., Conselice, C. J., Hartley, W. G., Duncan, K., Lani, C., Ownsworth, J. R., Almaini, O., van der Wel, A., Huang, K.-H., Ashby, M. L., Willner, S., Fontana, A., Dekel, A., Koekemoer, A. M., Ferguson, H. C., Faber, S. M., Grogin, N. A., & Kocevski, D. D. (2015). Deconstructing the galaxy stellar mass function with UKIDSS and CANDELS: the impact of colour, structure and environment. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 447(1), 2-24.

A new method for classifying galaxy SEDs from multiwavelength photometry (2014)
Journal Article
Wild, V., Almaini, O., Cirasuolo, M., Dunlop, J., McLure, R., Bowler, R., Ferreira, J., Bradshaw, E., Chuter, R., & Hartley, W. (in press). A new method for classifying galaxy SEDs from multiwavelength photometry. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 440(2),

We present a new method to classify the broad-band optical–near-infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies using three shape parameters (super-colours) based on a principal component analysis of model SEDs. As well as providing a compa... Read More about A new method for classifying galaxy SEDs from multiwavelength photometry.