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Professor OMAR ALMAINI's Outputs (7)

SCUBA-2 Ultra Deep Imaging EAO Survey (STUDIES): faint-end counts at 450 μm (2017)
Journal Article
Wang, W.-H., Lin, W.-C., Lim, C.-F., Smail, I., Chapman, S. C., Zheng, X. Z., Shim, H., Kodama, T., Almaini, O., Ao, Y., Blain, A. W., Bourne, N., Bunker, A. J., Chang, Y.-Y., Chao, D. C.-Y., Chen, C.-C., Clements, D. L., Conselice, C. J., Cowley, W. I., Dannerbauer, H., …Wardlow, J. L. (2017). SCUBA-2 Ultra Deep Imaging EAO Survey (STUDIES): faint-end counts at 450 μm. Astrophysical Journal, 850(1),

The SCUBA-2 Ultra Deep Imaging EAO Survey (STUDIES) is a three-year JCMT Large Program aiming to reach the 450 μm confusion limit in the COSMOS-CANDELS region to study a representative sample of the high-redshift far-infrared galaxy population that g... Read More about SCUBA-2 Ultra Deep Imaging EAO Survey (STUDIES): faint-end counts at 450 μm.

The UKIRT Hemisphere Survey: definition and J-band data release (2017)
Journal Article
Dye, S., Lawrence, A., Read, M., Fan, X., Kerr, T., Varricatt, W., Furnell, K., Edge, A., Irwin, M., Hambly, N., Lucas, P., Almaini, O., Chambers, K., Green, R., Hewett, P., Liu, M., McGreer, I., Best, W., Zhang, Z., Sutorius, E., …Tedds, J. (2018). The UKIRT Hemisphere Survey: definition and J-band data release. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473(4), 5113-5125.

This paper defines the UK Infra-Red Telescope (UKIRT) Hemisphere Survey (UHS) and release of the remaining ∼12 700 deg2 of J-band survey data products. The UHS will provide continuous J- and K-band coverage in the Northern hemisphere from a declinati... Read More about The UKIRT Hemisphere Survey: definition and J-band data release.

CANDELS: Elevated black hole growth in the progenitors of compact quiescent galaxies at z ∼ 2 (2017)
Journal Article
Kocevski, D. D., Barro, G., Faber, S., Dekel, A., Somerville, R. S., Young, J. A., Williams, C. C., McIntosh, D. H., Georgakakis, A., Hasinger, G., Nandra, K., Civano, F., Alexander, D. M., Almaini, O., Conselice, C. J., Donley, J. L., Ferguson, H. C., Giavalisco, M., Grogin, N. A., Hathi, N., …Yan, H. (2017). CANDELS: Elevated black hole growth in the progenitors of compact quiescent galaxies at z ∼ 2. Astrophysical Journal, 846(2),

We examine the fraction of massive (M* > 1010 M) compact star-forming galaxies (cSFGs) that host an active galactic nucleus (AGN) at z ~ 2. These cSFGs are likely the direct progenitors of the compact quiescent galaxies observed at this epoch, which... Read More about CANDELS: Elevated black hole growth in the progenitors of compact quiescent galaxies at z ∼ 2.

Massive post-starburst galaxies at z > 1 are compact proto-spheroids (2017)
Journal Article
Almaini, O., Wild, V., Maltby, D. T., Hartley, W. G., Simpson, C., Hatch, N. A., McLure, R. J., Dunlop, J. S., & Rowlands, K. (2017). Massive post-starburst galaxies at z > 1 are compact proto-spheroids. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 472(2), 1401-1412.

We investigate the relationship between the quenching of star formation and the structural transformation of massive galaxies, using a large sample of photometrically-selected poststarburst galaxies in the UKIDSS UDS field. We find that post-starburs... Read More about Massive post-starburst galaxies at z > 1 are compact proto-spheroids.

Enhancement of AGN in a protocluster at z=1.6 (2017)
Journal Article
Krishnan, C., Hatch, N. A., Almaini, O., Kocevski, D., Cooke, E. A., Hartley, W. G., Hasinger, G., Maltby, D. T., Muldrew, S. I., & Simpson, C. (2017). Enhancement of AGN in a protocluster at z=1.6. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 470(2), 2170-2178.

We investigate the prevalence of AGN in the high-redshift protocluster Cl 0218.3–0510 at z = 1.62. Using imaging from the Chandra X-ray Telescope, we find a large overdensity of AGN in the protocluster; a factor of 23±9 times the field density of AGN... Read More about Enhancement of AGN in a protocluster at z=1.6.

A consistent measure of the merger histories of massive galaxies using close-pair statistics I: Major mergers at z < 3:5 (2017)
Journal Article
Mundy, C. J., Conselice, C. J., Duncan, K. J., Almaini, O., Häußler, B., & Hartley, W. G. (2017). A consistent measure of the merger histories of massive galaxies using close-pair statistics I: Major mergers at z < 3:5. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 470(3), 3507–3531.

We use a large sample of ∼350,000 galaxies constructed by combining the UKIDSS UDS, VIDEO/CFHT-LS, UltraVISTA/COSMOS and GAMA survey regions to probe the major merging histories of massive galaxies (>1010 M⊙) at 0.005<z<3.5. We use a method adapted f... Read More about A consistent measure of the merger histories of massive galaxies using close-pair statistics I: Major mergers at z < 3:5.

The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: multi-wavelength properties of ALMA-identified submillimeter galaxies in UKIDSS UDS (2017)
Journal Article
Simpson, J., Smail, I., Swinbank, A., Ivison, R., Dunlop, J., Geach, J., Almaini, O., Arumugam, V., Bremer, M., Chen, C.-C., Conselice, C. J., Coppin, K., Farrah, D., Ibar, E., Hartley, W., Ma, C., Michałowski, M., Scott, D., Spaans, M., Thomson, A., & Werf, P. V. D. (2017). The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: multi-wavelength properties of ALMA-identified submillimeter galaxies in UKIDSS UDS. Astrophysical Journal, 839(1), Article 58.

We present a multi-wavelength analysis of 52 submillimeter galaxies (SMGs), identified using ALMA 870 μm continuum imaging in a pilot program to precisely locate bright SCUBA-2-selected submillimeter sources in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey (UDS) fiel... Read More about The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: multi-wavelength properties of ALMA-identified submillimeter galaxies in UKIDSS UDS.