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Dr LEE HARPER's Outputs (44)

Structural optimisation of random discontinuous fibre composites: Part 1 – Methodology (2014)
Journal Article
Qian, C., Harper, L., Turner, T., & Warrior, N. (2015). Structural optimisation of random discontinuous fibre composites: Part 1 – Methodology. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 68, 406-416.

This paper presents a finite element model to optimise the fibre architecture of components manufactured from discontinuous fibre composites. An optimality criterion method has been developed to maximise global component stiffness, by determining opt... Read More about Structural optimisation of random discontinuous fibre composites: Part 1 – Methodology.

Mechanical, degradation and cytocompatibility properties of magnesium coated phosphate glass fibre reinforced polycaprolactone composites (2014)
Journal Article
Liu, X., Hasan, M. S., Grant, D. M., Harper, L. T., Parsons, A. J., Palmer, G., Rudd, C. D., & Ahmed, I. (2014). Mechanical, degradation and cytocompatibility properties of magnesium coated phosphate glass fibre reinforced polycaprolactone composites. Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 29(5),

Retention of mechanical properties of phosphate glass fibre reinforced degradable polyesters such as polycaprolactone and polylactic acid in aqueous media has been shown to be strongly influenced by the integrity of the fibre/polymer interface. A pre... Read More about Mechanical, degradation and cytocompatibility properties of magnesium coated phosphate glass fibre reinforced polycaprolactone composites.

Initial mechanical properties of phosphate-glass fibre-reinforced rods for use as resorbable intramedullary nails (2012)
Journal Article
Felfel, R. M., Ahmed, I., Parsons, A. J., Harper, L. T., & Rudd, C. D. (2012). Initial mechanical properties of phosphate-glass fibre-reinforced rods for use as resorbable intramedullary nails. Journal of Materials Science, 47(12), 4884-4894.

This paper investigates the use of novel phosphate- glass fibre-reinforced rods as resorbable intramedullary nails. Random and unidirectional fibres were moulded into composite rods by forging at ∼100 °C. Rods produced using non-woven random mats (RM... Read More about Initial mechanical properties of phosphate-glass fibre-reinforced rods for use as resorbable intramedullary nails.

Influence of screw holes and gamma sterilization on properties of phosphate glass fiber-reinforced composite bone plates (2011)
Journal Article
Han, N., Ahmed, I., Parsons, A. J., Harper, L., Scotchford, C. A., Scammell, B. E., & Rudd, C. D. (2013). Influence of screw holes and gamma sterilization on properties of phosphate glass fiber-reinforced composite bone plates. Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 27(8), 990-1002.

Polymers prepared from polylactic acid (PLA) have found a multitude of uses as medical devices. For a material that degrades, the main advantage is that an implant would not necessitate a second surgical event for removal. In this study, fibers produ... Read More about Influence of screw holes and gamma sterilization on properties of phosphate glass fiber-reinforced composite bone plates.