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Professor Paul Torremans' Outputs (4)

Une injonction internationale vis-à-vis d’un fournisseur alternatif de DNS : une option en droit d’auteur et en droit international privé ? (2022)
Book Chapter
Torremans, P. (2022). Une injonction internationale vis-à-vis d’un fournisseur alternatif de DNS : une option en droit d’auteur et en droit international privé ?. In Entre art et technique: les dynamiques du droit, mélanges en l'honneur de Pierre Sirinelli (787-803). Dalloz

Les services offerts par les fournisseurs alternatifs de noms de domaine (ci-après DNS, pour Domain Name System) comme par exemple Cloudfare ou Cisco, compliquent l’identification du contrefacteur par les ayants droit en interposant un niveau d’anony... Read More about Une injonction internationale vis-à-vis d’un fournisseur alternatif de DNS : une option en droit d’auteur et en droit international privé ?.

The TuneIn case or communication to the public in the UK after Brexit: the status quo with targeting as a governance tool (2022)
Journal Article
Torremans, P. (2022). The TuneIn case or communication to the public in the UK after Brexit: the status quo with targeting as a governance tool. International Journal of Legal Discourse, 7(2), 223-233.

TuneIn is a case dealing with a portal service on the Internet that allows users to listen to Internet radio stations from around the world and even to select stations that play their favourite music at any given moment in time. The UK courts had to... Read More about The TuneIn case or communication to the public in the UK after Brexit: the status quo with targeting as a governance tool.

The protection of cultural heritage by copyright and related rights (2022)
Book Chapter
Torremans, P. (2025). The protection of cultural heritage by copyright and related rights. In Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Cultural Heritage (38--55). Edward Elgar Publishing.

The DSM Directive preserves, on the one hand, the public domain, by restricting copyright in faithful reproductions of public domain works. On the other hand, there are copyright opportunities for digital art and non-fungible tokens. The Directive al... Read More about The protection of cultural heritage by copyright and related rights.

Intellectual Property (2022)
Book Chapter
Torremans, P. (2022). Intellectual Property. In A Guide to Global Private International Law (351-363). Hart Publishing

This chapter looks from a global private international law perspective at intellectual property and the role played by the Hague Conference on Private International Law