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Dr MATTHEW GREEN's Outputs (5)

'Keep it Gothic, Man': Gothic and Graphic Medicine in Ian Williams's The Bad Doctor (2023)
Journal Article
GREEN, M. (2023). 'Keep it Gothic, Man': Gothic and Graphic Medicine in Ian Williams's The Bad Doctor. Gothic Studies, 25(3), 280-299.

Exploring the intersection of Gothic Medicine and Graphic Medicine in Ian William's graphic novel, The Bad Doctor, this article discusses the ways in which gothic aesthetics, particularly representations of the abject encounter, contribute to an unde... Read More about 'Keep it Gothic, Man': Gothic and Graphic Medicine in Ian Williams's The Bad Doctor.

‘An altered view regarding the relationship between dreams and reality’: magic, politics and the comics medium in Alan Moore and Jacen Burrow’s Providence (2017)
Journal Article
Green, M. J. (2017). ‘An altered view regarding the relationship between dreams and reality’: magic, politics and the comics medium in Alan Moore and Jacen Burrow’s Providence. Studies in Comics, 8(2),

Alan Moore reports that, through researching Providence, he ‘became more fully acquainted with academic literary criticism’ (Moore and Green 2016) and the extensive evidence of research throughout the series supports this claim. In this article, I ar... Read More about ‘An altered view regarding the relationship between dreams and reality’: magic, politics and the comics medium in Alan Moore and Jacen Burrow’s Providence.

“I don’t see what good a book is without pictures or conversations”: imaginary worlds and intertextuality in Alice in Wonderland and Alice in Sunderland (2015)
Book Chapter
Green, M. A. (2015). “I don’t see what good a book is without pictures or conversations”: imaginary worlds and intertextuality in Alice in Wonderland and Alice in Sunderland. In S. E. Tabachnick, & E. B. Saltzman (Eds.), Drawn from the classics: essays on graphic adaptations of literary works (110-126). McFarland & Company