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Professor DARIO LANDA SILVA's Outputs (3)

Towards improving the utilization of university teaching space (2007)
Journal Article
Beyrouthy, C., Burke, E. K., Landa-Silva, D., McCollum, B., McMullan, P., & Parkes, A. J. (2009). Towards improving the utilization of university teaching space. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 60(1), 130-143.

There is a perception that teaching space in universities is a rather scarce resource. However, some studies have revealed that in many institutions it is actually chronically under-used. Often, rooms are occupied only half the time, and even when in... Read More about Towards improving the utilization of university teaching space.

Obtaining better non-dominated sets using volume dominance (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Le, K., & Landa-Silva, D. (2007, September). Obtaining better non-dominated sets using volume dominance. Presented at 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2007, Singapore

An important goal in multiobjective optimisation is to And a good set of non-dominated solutions that is both well-distributed and well-converged. Most multiobjective optimisation algorithms use the conventional Pareto dominance relationship. Over re... Read More about Obtaining better non-dominated sets using volume dominance.

Asynchronous cooperative local search for the office-space-allocation problem (2007)
Journal Article
Landa-Silva, D., & Burke, D. K. (2007). Asynchronous cooperative local search for the office-space-allocation problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 19(4), 575-587.

We investigate cooperative local search to improve upon known results of the office-space-allocation problem in universities and other organizations. A number of entities (e.g., research students, staff, etc.) must be allocated into a set of rooms so... Read More about Asynchronous cooperative local search for the office-space-allocation problem.