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Professor CHRIS DENNING's Outputs (2)

Discovery of a Novel Polymer for Xeno-Free, Long-Term Culture of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Expansion (2020)
Journal Article
Nasir, A., Thorpe, J., Burroughs, L., Meurs, J., Pijuan‐Galito, S., Irvine, D. J., Alexander, M. R., & Denning, C. (2020). Discovery of a Novel Polymer for Xeno-Free, Long-Term Culture of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Expansion. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 10(6), Article 2001448.

Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) can be expanded and differentiated in vitro into almost any adult tissue cell type, and thus have great potential as a source for cell therapies with biomedical application. In this study, a fully-defined polymer... Read More about Discovery of a Novel Polymer for Xeno-Free, Long-Term Culture of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Expansion.

Polymer microparticles with defined surface chemistry and topography mediate the formation of stem cell aggregates and cardiomyocyte function (2019)
Journal Article
Alvarez-Paino, M., Amer, M. H., Nasir, A., Cuzzucoli Crucitti, V., Thorpe, J., Burroughs, L., Needham, D., Denning, C., Alexander, M. R., Alexander, C., & Rose, F. (2019). Polymer microparticles with defined surface chemistry and topography mediate the formation of stem cell aggregates and cardiomyocyte function. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11(38), 34560-34574.

Surface-functionalized microparticles are relevant to fields spanning engineering and biomedicine, with uses ranging from cell culture to advanced cell delivery. Varying topographies of biomaterial surfaces are also being investigated as mediators of... Read More about Polymer microparticles with defined surface chemistry and topography mediate the formation of stem cell aggregates and cardiomyocyte function.