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Dr CHRIS WADE's Outputs (3)

Nematodes and trematodes associated with terrestrial gastropods in Nottingham, England (2022)
Journal Article
Andrus, P. S., Rae, R., & Wade, C. M. (2022). Nematodes and trematodes associated with terrestrial gastropods in Nottingham, England. Journal of Helminthology, 96, Article e81.

A parasitological survey of terrestrial slugs and snails was conducted at popular dog walking locations across the city of Nottingham, with the intensions of finding gastropods infected with parasites of medical (or veterinary) importance such as lun... Read More about Nematodes and trematodes associated with terrestrial gastropods in Nottingham, England.

Fine-scale geographical sampling and molecular characterization of the giant African land snail in its invasive range in Asia shows low genetic diversity, new haplotypes and the emergence of another haplotype from the Indian Ocean Islands (2022)
Journal Article
Vijayan, K., Suganthasakthivel, R., Naggs, F., Fontanilla, I. K., Soorae, P. S., Sajeev, T. V., & Wade, C. M. (2022). Fine-scale geographical sampling and molecular characterization of the giant African land snail in its invasive range in Asia shows low genetic diversity, new haplotypes and the emergence of another haplotype from the Indian Ocean Islands. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 137(3), 421-433.

Native to East Africa, the giant African snail Lissachatina [=Achatina] fulica (Bowdich, 1822) is a tropical crop pest and one of the world’s top 100 invasive species. It is now present in at least 52 countries worldwide, with an actively expanding r... Read More about Fine-scale geographical sampling and molecular characterization of the giant African land snail in its invasive range in Asia shows low genetic diversity, new haplotypes and the emergence of another haplotype from the Indian Ocean Islands.

Geographical Distribution of Biomphalaria snails in East Africa (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
Magero, V. O., Kisara, S., & Wade, C. M. Geographical Distribution of Biomphalaria snails in East Africa

There is limited information on the distribution of Biomphalaria snails, an important snail intermediate host of schistosomiasis, in East Africa. This study assessed the incidence and geographical distribution of Biomphalaria snails in Kenya, Uganda... Read More about Geographical Distribution of Biomphalaria snails in East Africa.