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Dr CHRIS WADE's Outputs (4)

An investigation into the life history of Streptochilus (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Darling, K. F., Kasemann, S. A., Thomas, E., Wade, C. M., & Seears, H. A. (2007, June). An investigation into the life history of Streptochilus. Paper presented at TMS Joint Foraminifera and Nannofossil Meeting, Angers, France

Molecular phylogeny of the helicoid land snails (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora: Helicoidea), with special emphasis on the Camaenidae (2007)
Journal Article
Wade, C. M., Hudelot, C., Davison, A., Naggs, F., & Mordan, P. B. (2007). Molecular phylogeny of the helicoid land snails (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora: Helicoidea), with special emphasis on the Camaenidae. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 73(4), 411-415.

The superfamily Helicoidea is a large and diverse group of land snails belonging to the Pulmonate suborder Stylommatophora. It has an almost worldwide distribution, absent from only sub-Saharan Africa, southern South America, New Zealand and some Pac... Read More about Molecular phylogeny of the helicoid land snails (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora: Helicoidea), with special emphasis on the Camaenidae.

The small subunit (SSU) ribosomal (r) RNA gene as a genetic marker for identifying infective 3rd juvenile stage Angiostrongylus cantonensis (2007)
Journal Article
Fontanilla, I. K., & Wade, C. M. (2008). The small subunit (SSU) ribosomal (r) RNA gene as a genetic marker for identifying infective 3rd juvenile stage Angiostrongylus cantonensis. Acta Tropica, 105(2), 181-186.

We have developed a molecular method using PCR-direct sequencing to identify the infective 3rd juvenile stage of Angiostrongylus cantonensis, a nematode parasite of rodents that can accidentally infect humans and cause eosinophilic meningitis. We dem... Read More about The small subunit (SSU) ribosomal (r) RNA gene as a genetic marker for identifying infective 3rd juvenile stage Angiostrongylus cantonensis.

Global molecular phylogeography reveals persistent Arctic circumpolar isolation in a marine planktonic protist (2007)
Journal Article
Darling, K. F., Kucera, M., & Wade, C. M. (2007). Global molecular phylogeography reveals persistent Arctic circumpolar isolation in a marine planktonic protist. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(12), 5002-5007.

The high-latitude planktonic foraminifera have proved to be particularly useful model organisms for the study of global patterns of vicariance and gene flow in the oceans. Such studies demonstrate that gene flow can occur over enormous distances in t... Read More about Global molecular phylogeography reveals persistent Arctic circumpolar isolation in a marine planktonic protist.