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Dr CHRIS WADE's Outputs (4)

Analysis of HIV-1 and foraminiferal molecular evolution (1997)
Wade, C. Analysis of HIV-1 and foraminiferal molecular evolution. (Dissertation). University of Edinburgh.

This thesis presents work examining aspects of both HIV- 1 and foraminiferal evolution. The thesis is set out accordingly into two sections, each of which contains an introduction with individual chapters presented as a series of papers.
In section... Read More about Analysis of HIV-1 and foraminiferal molecular evolution.

The molecular epidemiology of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in six cities in Britain and Ireland (1997)
Journal Article
Brown, A. J., Lobidel, D., Wade, C. M., Rebus, S., Phillips, A. N., Brettle, R. P., France, A. J., Leen, C. S., McMenamin, J., McMillan, A., Maw, R. D., Mulcahy, F., Robertson, J. R., Sankar, K. N., Scott, G., Wyld, R., & Peutherer, J. F. (1997). The molecular epidemiology of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in six cities in Britain and Ireland. Virology, 235(1), 166-177.

We have sequenced the p17 coding regions of the gag gene from 211 patients infected either through injecting drug use (IDU) or by sexual intercourse between men from six cities in Scotland, N. England, N. Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland. All seq... Read More about The molecular epidemiology of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in six cities in Britain and Ireland.

Evolution of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in perinatally infected infants with rapid and slow progression to disease (1997)
Journal Article
Salvatori, F., Masiero, S., Giaquinto, C., Wade, C. M., Leigh Brown, A. J., Chieco-Bianchi, L., & De Rossi, A. (1997). Evolution of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in perinatally infected infants with rapid and slow progression to disease. Journal of Virology, 71(6), 4694-4706.

We addressed the relationship between the origin and evolution of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) variants and disease outcome in perinatally infected infants by studying the V3 regions of viral variants in samples obtained from five tran... Read More about Evolution of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in perinatally infected infants with rapid and slow progression to disease.

Planktic foraminiferal molecular evolution and their polyphyletic origins from benthic taxa (1997)
Journal Article
Darling, K. F., Wade, C. M., Kroon, D., & Brown, A. J. (1997). Planktic foraminiferal molecular evolution and their polyphyletic origins from benthic taxa. Marine Micropaleontology, 30(4), 251-266.

Phylogenetic analyses based on partial sequences of the small subunit (SSU) ribosomal (r) RNA gene have shown that the planktic and benthic foraminifera form a distinct monophyletic group within the eukaryotes. In order to determine the evolutionary... Read More about Planktic foraminiferal molecular evolution and their polyphyletic origins from benthic taxa.