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Professor RICHARD KNELLER's Outputs (13)

Digital Training Program for Line Managers (Managing Minds at Work): Protocol for A Feasibility Pilot Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial (2023)
Journal Article
Thomson, L., Hassard, J., Frost, A., Bartle, C., Yarker, J., Munir, F., Kneller, R., Marwaha, S., Daly, G., Russell, S., Meyer, C., Vaughan, B., Newman, K., & Blake, H. (2023). Digital Training Program for Line Managers (Managing Minds at Work): Protocol for A Feasibility Pilot Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 12, Article e48758.

Background: Mental health problems affect 1 in 6 workers annually and are one of the leading causes of sickness absence, with stress, anxiety, and depression being responsible for half of all working days lost in the United Kingdom. Primary intervent... Read More about Digital Training Program for Line Managers (Managing Minds at Work): Protocol for A Feasibility Pilot Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial.

Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled study of a multicomponent intervention to promote a sustainable return to work of workers on long-term sick leave — PROWORK: PROmoting a Sustainable and Healthy Return to WORK (2022)
Journal Article
Varela-Mato, V., Godfree, K., Adem, A., Blake, H., Bartle, C., Daly, G., Hassard, J., Kneller, R., Meyer, C., Russell, S., Marwaha, S., Kershaw, C., Newman, K., Yarker, J., Thomson, L., & Munir, F. (2022). Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled study of a multicomponent intervention to promote a sustainable return to work of workers on long-term sick leave — PROWORK: PROmoting a Sustainable and Healthy Return to WORK. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 8(1), Article 188.

Background: The cost of sickness absence has major social, psychological and financial implications for individuals and organisations. Return-to-work (RTW) interventions that support good quality communication and contact with the workplace can reduc... Read More about Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled study of a multicomponent intervention to promote a sustainable return to work of workers on long-term sick leave — PROWORK: PROmoting a Sustainable and Healthy Return to WORK.

Implementation in Pakistan of the US Integrated Cargo Container Control program: Trade‐facilitating or not? (2021)
Journal Article
Ali, S., Kneller, R., & Milner, C. (2021). Implementation in Pakistan of the US Integrated Cargo Container Control program: Trade‐facilitating or not?. Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue Canadienne d'Économique, 54(3), 1136-1167.

Using novel firm-level data, we examine the trade effect of the changed security arrangements for Pakistan's exports to the US following 9/11. The pre-shipment scanning facility introduced by the Integrated Cargo Container Control (IC3) program, foll... Read More about Implementation in Pakistan of the US Integrated Cargo Container Control program: Trade‐facilitating or not?.

Labor market reform and innovation: Evidence from Spain (2021)
Journal Article
García-Vega, M., Kneller, R., & Stiebale, J. (2021). Labor market reform and innovation: Evidence from Spain. Research Policy, 50(5), Article 104213.

We analyze the effect of a labor market reform on firms' product innovation. The reform , which amounts to a natural experiment, differentially reduced firing costs for some firms, thereby lowering adjustment costs in the presence of demand uncertain... Read More about Labor market reform and innovation: Evidence from Spain.

Demand-driven Technical Change and Productivity Growth: Theory and Evidence from the Energy Policy Act (2020)
Journal Article
Impullitti, G., Kneller, R., & McGowan, D. (2020). Demand-driven Technical Change and Productivity Growth: Theory and Evidence from the Energy Policy Act. Journal of Industrial Economics, 68(2), 328-363.

We present novel evidence on the effect of market size on technology adoption and productivity. Our tests exploit a natural experiment in the US corn industry where changes to national energy policy created exogenous increases in demand. Difference-i... Read More about Demand-driven Technical Change and Productivity Growth: Theory and Evidence from the Energy Policy Act.

Multinationals and the globalization of R&D (2019)
Journal Article
García-Vega, M., Hofmann, P., & Kneller, R. (2019). Multinationals and the globalization of R&D. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 63, 583-614.

In this paper we consider how the location, organization and output of knowledge production evolve within domestic firms following acquisition-FDI in order to understand the aggregate effect on an index of domestically produced innovations. We find s... Read More about Multinationals and the globalization of R&D.

Corporate taxation and productivity catch-up: evidence from European firms (2016)
Journal Article
Gemmell, N., Kneller, R., McGowan, D., Sanz, I., & Sanz-Sanz, J. F. (in press). Corporate taxation and productivity catch-up: evidence from European firms. Scandinavian Journal of Economics,

This paper explores whether higher corporate tax rates reduce the speed with which small firms converge to the productivity frontier by lowering the after-tax returns to productivity-enhancing investments. Using data for 11 European countries we find... Read More about Corporate taxation and productivity catch-up: evidence from European firms.

Quality selection, sectoral heterogeneity and Chinese exports (2016)
Journal Article
Kneller, R., & Yu, Z. (2016). Quality selection, sectoral heterogeneity and Chinese exports. Review of International Economics, 24(4), 857-874.

Recent models of international trade have identified product quality as an important determinant of bilateral trade flows. In this paper we examine the relationship between the characteristics of the export market and the aggregate quality of product... Read More about Quality selection, sectoral heterogeneity and Chinese exports.

ICT and exporting: the effects of broadband on the extensive margin of business service exports. (2016)
Journal Article
Kneller, R., & Timmis, J. (2016). ICT and exporting: the effects of broadband on the extensive margin of business service exports. Review of International Economics, 24(4), 757-796.

Over recent decades the global economy has witnessed rapid growth of international trade in services. This has been particularly true of service-intensive countries such as the UK. Developments in information and communication technologies are an obv... Read More about ICT and exporting: the effects of broadband on the extensive margin of business service exports..

Estimating the effects of the container revolution on world trade (2015)
Journal Article
Bernhofen, D. M., El-Sahli, Z., & Kneller, R. (2016). Estimating the effects of the container revolution on world trade. Journal of International Economics, 98, 36-50.

© 2015 Elsevier B.V. Many historical accounts have asserted that containerization triggered complementary technological and organizational changes that revolutionized global freight transport. We are the first to suggest an identification strategy fo... Read More about Estimating the effects of the container revolution on world trade.

Does the Composition of Government Expenditure Matter for Long-Run GDP Levels? (2014)
Journal Article
Sanz, I., Gemmell, N., Kneller, R., Norman, G., & Ismael, S. (2014). Does the Composition of Government Expenditure Matter for Long-Run GDP Levels?. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics,

We examine the long-run GDP impacts of changes in total government expenditure and in the shares of different spending categories for a sample of OECD countries since the 1970s, taking account of methods of financing expenditure changes and possible... Read More about Does the Composition of Government Expenditure Matter for Long-Run GDP Levels?.

The effects of public spending composition on firm productivity (2014)
Journal Article
Kneller, R., & Misch, F. (2014). The effects of public spending composition on firm productivity. Economic Inquiry, 52(4),

This paper exploits the unique institutional features of South Africa to estimate the impact of provincial public spending on firm productivity. In contrast to existing microeconomic evidence, we explore the effects of fiscal expenditures and remove... Read More about The effects of public spending composition on firm productivity.

The growth effects of tax rates in the OECD (2014)
Journal Article
Gemmell, N., Kneller, R., & Sanz, I. (2014). The growth effects of tax rates in the OECD. Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue Canadienne d'Économique, 47(4),

This paper explores the merits of macro- and micro-based tax rate measures within an open economy ‘fiscal policy and growth’ model. Using annual data for 15 OECD countries we find statistically small, non-robust long-run growth effects of macro-based... Read More about The growth effects of tax rates in the OECD.