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Professor PAUL CRAWFORD's Outputs (19)

Care pathways in the transition of patients between district psychiatric hospital centres (DPCs) and community mental health services (2018)
Journal Article
Sather, E. W., Svindseth, M. F., Crawford, P., & Iversen, V. C. (2018). Care pathways in the transition of patients between district psychiatric hospital centres (DPCs) and community mental health services. Health Science Reports, 1(5), Article e37.

Rationale, aims, and objectives: Patients with mental health problems experience numerous transitions into and out of the hospital. Primary care providers have mixed success in identifying and managing patients' needs. This study explores health pers... Read More about Care pathways in the transition of patients between district psychiatric hospital centres (DPCs) and community mental health services.

Capoeira for beginners: self-benefit for, and community action by, new Capoeiristas (2018)
Journal Article
Jordan, M., Wright, E. J., Purser, A., Grundy, A., Joyes, E., Wright, N., Crawford, P., & Manning, N. (2018). Capoeira for beginners: self-benefit for, and community action by, new Capoeiristas. Sport, Education and Society, 24(7), 756-769.

Capoeira could be defined as a Brazilian martial art and game to be played. This research explored how capoeira play might be considered to facilitate connectedness amongst newly-recruited persons, plus any other ramifications of capoeira involvement... Read More about Capoeira for beginners: self-benefit for, and community action by, new Capoeiristas.

Perceptions of experiences with interprofessional collaboration in public health nursing: a qualitative analysis (2017)
Journal Article
Dahl, B. M., & Crawford, P. (2018). Perceptions of experiences with interprofessional collaboration in public health nursing: a qualitative analysis. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 32(2), 178-184.

In public health nursing interprofessional collaboration has become a goal, however, there is little clarity on the distribution of responsibility or approach to cooperation between the professional groups. The aim of the study was to explore public... Read More about Perceptions of experiences with interprofessional collaboration in public health nursing: a qualitative analysis.

Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental illness: art as a means of recovery (2017)
Journal Article
Saavedra, J., Arias, S., Crawford, P., & Perez, E. (2018). Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental illness: art as a means of recovery. Arts and Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, 10(3), 241-256.

Background: In line with recovery theories, psychosocial programs for people diagnosed with severe mental illness (SMI) should focus more on wellbeing and social connectivity outcomes rather than clinical symptoms. This paper assesses the impact of c... Read More about Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental illness: art as a means of recovery.

The use of music in Mutual Recovery: a qualitative pilot study (2017)
Journal Article
Callahan, K., Schlozman, S., Beresin, E., & Crawford, P. (2017). The use of music in Mutual Recovery: a qualitative pilot study. Journal of Applied Arts and Health, 8(1), 103-114.

Mutual Recovery involves caregivers and their clients mutually participating in artistic endeavours to foster resilience in both parties. A qualitative enquiry into the use of group music making (referred to as a ‘Music Jam’) between both the caregiv... Read More about The use of music in Mutual Recovery: a qualitative pilot study.

Representations of mental health and arts participation in the national and local British press, 2007-2015 (2017)
Journal Article
Atanasova, D., Koteyko, N., Brown, B., & Crawford, P. (2019). Representations of mental health and arts participation in the national and local British press, 2007-2015. Health, 23(1), 3-20.

We analysed news articles published in national and local British newspapers between 2007 and 2015 to understand 1) how mental health and arts participation were framed and 2) how the relationships between participants in arts initiatives were concep... Read More about Representations of mental health and arts participation in the national and local British press, 2007-2015.

'I couldn't even talk to the patient': barriers to communicating with cancer patients as perceived by nursing students (2017)
Journal Article
Lin, M.-F., Hsu, W.-S., Hung, M.-C., Su, Y.-H., Crawford, P., & Tang, C.-C. (2017). 'I couldn't even talk to the patient': barriers to communicating with cancer patients as perceived by nursing students. European Journal of Cancer Care, 26(4), Article e12648.

Communication is closely related to safe practice and patient outcomes. Given that most clinicians fall into routines when communicating with patients, it is important to address communication issues early. This study explores Taiwanese nursing stude... Read More about 'I couldn't even talk to the patient': barriers to communicating with cancer patients as perceived by nursing students.

Recovery and creative practices in people with severe mental illness: evaluating well-being and social inclusion (2017)
Journal Article
Saavedra, J., Perez, E., Crawford, P., & Arias, S. (2018). Recovery and creative practices in people with severe mental illness: evaluating well-being and social inclusion. Disability and Rehabilitation, 40(8), 905-911.

Purpose: This mixed (quantitative-qualitative) study evaluates the impact of an artistic workshop on a group of people with severe mental illness. This study focuses on the impact of creative practices on well-being and social inclusion outcomes.
Me... Read More about Recovery and creative practices in people with severe mental illness: evaluating well-being and social inclusion.

Effects of a mutual recovery intervention on mental health in depressed elderly community-dwelling adults: a pilot study (2017)
Journal Article
Wang, C., Hua, Y., Fu, H., Cheng, L., Qian, W., Liu, J., Crawford, P., & Dai, J. (2017). Effects of a mutual recovery intervention on mental health in depressed elderly community-dwelling adults: a pilot study. BMC Public Health, 17, Article 4.


The prevalence of depression in the elderly is growing worldwide, and the population aging in China makes depression a major health problem for the elderly adults and a tremendous burden to the society. Effective interventions should be... Read More about Effects of a mutual recovery intervention on mental health in depressed elderly community-dwelling adults: a pilot study.

Exploring the acceptability of innovative technology: a pilot study using LENA with parents of young deaf children in the UK (2016)
Journal Article
Allen, S., Crawford, P., & Mulla, I. (2017). Exploring the acceptability of innovative technology: a pilot study using LENA with parents of young deaf children in the UK. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 33(2),

Early intervention is widely recommended for children at risk of difficulties with speech, language and communication. Evidence for effective practice remains limited due in part to inherent difficulties in defining complex interventions and measurin... Read More about Exploring the acceptability of innovative technology: a pilot study using LENA with parents of young deaf children in the UK.

The power of shared philosophy: a study of midwives' perceptions of alternative birth care in Norway (2016)
Journal Article
Helberget, L., Fylkesnes, A.-M., Crawford, P., & Svindseth, M. (2016). The power of shared philosophy: a study of midwives' perceptions of alternative birth care in Norway. British Journal of Midwifery, 24(2), 101-107.

Aims: The aim of this study was to explore important factors that promote the best possible health for mother and child during pregnancy, birth and post-birth in an alternative birth clinic (ABC) in Norway.

Design: The authors used in-depth interv... Read More about The power of shared philosophy: a study of midwives' perceptions of alternative birth care in Norway.

The rules of the game in graduate entry nursing: a longitudinal case study (2015)
Journal Article
Stacey, G., Pollock, K., & Crawford, P. (2016). The rules of the game in graduate entry nursing: a longitudinal case study. Nurse Education Today, 36,


Graduate Entry Nursing programmes are pre-registration nursing curricula designed for candidates who already have a health related degree. The programmes aim to attract highly motivated individuals who have a commitment to nursing and h... Read More about The rules of the game in graduate entry nursing: a longitudinal case study.

The role of noise in clinical environments with particular reference to mental health care: a narrative review (2015)
Journal Article
Brown, B., Rutherford, P., & Crawford, P. (in press). The role of noise in clinical environments with particular reference to mental health care: a narrative review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52,

Background: There is a large literature suggesting that noise can be detrimental to health and numerous policy documents have promoted noise abatement in clinical settings.
Objectives: This paper documents the role of noise in clinical environments... Read More about The role of noise in clinical environments with particular reference to mental health care: a narrative review.

Cognitive and social functioning correlates of employment among people with severe mental illness (2015)
Journal Article
Saavedra, J., López, M., González, S., Arias, S., & Crawford, P. (2015). Cognitive and social functioning correlates of employment among people with severe mental illness. Community Mental Health Journal, 52(7),

We assess how social and cognitive functioning is associated to gaining employment for 213 people diagnosed with severe mental illness taking part in employment programs in Andalusia (Spain). We used the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuro... Read More about Cognitive and social functioning correlates of employment among people with severe mental illness.

A case study exploring the experience of graduate entry nursing students when learning in practice (2015)
Journal Article
Stacey, G., Pollock, K., & Crawford, P. (2015). A case study exploring the experience of graduate entry nursing students when learning in practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(9),

Aim. To explore how Graduate Entry Nursing students present and position themselves in practice in response to anti-intellectualist stereotypes and assessment structures.
Background. A complex background turbulence exists in nurse education which in... Read More about A case study exploring the experience of graduate entry nursing students when learning in practice.

The design of compassionate care (2014)
Journal Article
Crawford, P., Brown, B., Kvangarsnes, M., & Gilbert, P. (2014). The design of compassionate care. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23(23-24),

Aims and objectives

To investigate the tension between individual and organisational responses to contemporary demands for compassionate interactions in health care.


Health care is often said to need more compassion among its prac... Read More about The design of compassionate care.

Practical compassions: repertoires of practice and compassion talk in acute mental healthcare (2013)
Journal Article
Brown, B., Crawford, P., Gilbert, P., Gilbert, J., & Gale, C. (2014). Practical compassions: repertoires of practice and compassion talk in acute mental healthcare. Sociology of Health and Illness, 36(3),

This article reports an exploratory study of the concept of compassion in the work of 20 mental health practitioners in a UK Midlands facility. Using notions of practice derived from phenomenology and Bourdieusian sociology and notions of emotional l... Read More about Practical compassions: repertoires of practice and compassion talk in acute mental healthcare.

Creative practice as mutual recovery in mental health (2013)
Journal Article
Crawford, P., Lewis, L., Brown, B., & Manning, N. (2013). Creative practice as mutual recovery in mental health. Mental Health Review Journal, 18(2),

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the value of approaches to mental health based on
creative practice in the humanities and arts, and explore these in relation to the potential contribution to
mutual recovery.
Design/meth... Read More about Creative practice as mutual recovery in mental health.

Hygiene and biosecurity: the language and politics of risk in an era of emerging infectious diseases (2009)
Journal Article
Brown, B., Nerlich, B., Crawford, P., Koteyko, N., & Carter, R. (2009). Hygiene and biosecurity: the language and politics of risk in an era of emerging infectious diseases. Sociology Compass, 3(5),

Infectious diseases, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and avian influenza, have recently been high on the agenda of policy makers and the public. Although hygiene and biosecurity are preferred options for disease management, policy... Read More about Hygiene and biosecurity: the language and politics of risk in an era of emerging infectious diseases.