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Professor FRAZER PEARCE's Outputs (7)

nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations – V. Investigation of the cluster infall region (2016)
Journal Article
Arthur, J., Pearce, F. R., Gray, M. E., Elahi, P. J., Knebe, A., Beck, A. M., Cui, W., Cunnama, D., Davé, R., February, S., Huang, S., Katz, N., Kay, S. T., McCarthy, I. G., Murante, G., Perret, V., Power, C., Puchwein, E., Saro, A., Sembolini, F., …Yepes, G. (2017). nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations – V. Investigation of the cluster infall region. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464(2), 2027-2038.

We examine the properties of the galaxies and dark matter haloes residing in the cluster infall region surrounding the simulated _ cold dark matter galaxy cluster studied by Elahi et al. at z = 0. The 1.1 × 1015 h−1M_ galaxy cluster has been simulate... Read More about nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations – V. Investigation of the cluster infall region.

Matter power spectrum and the challenge of percent accuracy (2016)
Journal Article
Schneider, A., Teyssier, R., Potter, D., Stadel, J., Onions, J., Reed, D. S., Smith, R. E., Springel, V., Pearce, F. R., & Scoccimarro, R. (2016). Matter power spectrum and the challenge of percent accuracy. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2016(4), 1-21.

© 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl. Future galaxy surveys require one percent precision in the theoretical knowledge of the power spectrum over a large range including very nonlinear scales. While this level of accuracy is easily obtain... Read More about Matter power spectrum and the challenge of percent accuracy.

nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations – II. Radiative models (2016)
Journal Article
Sembolini, F., Elahi, P. J., Pearce, F. R., Power, C., Knebe, A., Kay, S. T., Cui, W., Yepes, G., Beck, A. M., Borgani, S., Cunnama, D., Davé, R., February, S., Huang, S., Katz, N., McCarthy, I. G., Murante, G., Newton, R. D., Perret, V., Puchwein, E., …Teyssier, R. (2016). nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations – II. Radiative models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 459(3), 2973-2991.

Sussing merger trees: stability and convergence (2016)
Journal Article
Wang, Y., Pearce, F. R., Knebe, A., Schneider, A., Srisawat, C., Tweed, D., Jung, I., Han, J., Helly, J., Onions, J., Elahi, P. J., Thomas, P. A., Behroozi, P., Yi, S. K., Rodriguez-Gomez, V., Mao, Y.-Y., Jing, Y., & Lin, W. (2016). Sussing merger trees: stability and convergence. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 459(2),

Merger trees are routinely used to follow the growth and merging history of dark matter haloes and subhaloes in simulations of cosmic structure formation. Srisawat et al. compared a wide range of merger-tree-building codes. Here we test the influence... Read More about Sussing merger trees: stability and convergence.

nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations – IV. Quantifying the influence of baryons on halo properties (2016)
Journal Article
Cui, W., Power, C., Knebe, A., Kay, S. T., Sembolini, F., Elahi, P. J., Yepes, G., Pearce, F., Cunnama, D., Beck, A. M., Vecchia, C. D., Davé, R., February, S., Huang, S., Hobbs, A., Katz, N., McCarthy, I. G., Murante, G., Perret, V., Puchwein, E., …Thacker, R. J. (2016). nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations – IV. Quantifying the influence of baryons on halo properties. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 458(4),

Building on the initial results of the nIFTy simulated galaxy cluster comparison, we compare and contrast the impact of baryonic physics with a single massive galaxy cluster, run with 11 state-of-the-art codes, spanning adaptive mesh, moving mesh, cl... Read More about nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations – IV. Quantifying the influence of baryons on halo properties.

nIFTY galaxy cluster simulations – III. The similarity and diversity of galaxies and subhaloes (2016)
Journal Article
Elahi, P. J., Knebe, A., Pearce, F. R., Power, C., Yepes, G., Cui, W., Cunnama, D., Kay, S. T., Sembolini, F., Beck, A. M., Davé, R., February, S., Huang, S., Katz, N., McCarthy, I. G., Murante, G., Perret, V., Puchwein, E., Saro, A., & Teyssier, R. (2016). nIFTY galaxy cluster simulations – III. The similarity and diversity of galaxies and subhaloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 458(1),

We examine subhaloes and galaxies residing in a simulated Λ cold dark matter galaxy cluster (Mcrit200=1.1×1015h−1M⊙) produced by hydrodynamical codes ranging from classic smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH), newer SPH codes, adaptive and moving mesh... Read More about nIFTY galaxy cluster simulations – III. The similarity and diversity of galaxies and subhaloes.

nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations – I. Dark matter and non-radiative models (2016)
Journal Article
Sembolini, F., Yepes, G., Pearce, F. R., Knebe, A., Kay, S. T., Power, C., Cui, W., Beck, A. M., Borgani, S., Dalla Vecchia, C., Davé, R., Elahi, P. J., February, S., Huang, S., Hobbs, A., Katz, N., Lau, E., McCarthy, I. G., Murante, G., Nagai, D., …Thacker, R. J. (in press). nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations – I. Dark matter and non-radiative models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 457(4),

We have simulated the formation of a galaxy cluster in a Ʌ cold dark matter universe using 13 different codes modelling only gravity and non-radiative hydrodynamics (RAMSES, ART, AREPO, HYDRA and nine incarnations of GADGET). This range of codes incl... Read More about nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations – I. Dark matter and non-radiative models.