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Professor HARRIET ALLEN's Outputs (4)

Evidence for vibration coding of sliding tactile textures in auditory cortex (2023)
Journal Article
Roberts, R. D., Loomes, A. R., Kwok, H. F., Wing, A. M., & Allen, H. A. (2023). Evidence for vibration coding of sliding tactile textures in auditory cortex. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17, Article 1282566.

Introduction: Psychophysical studies suggest texture perception is mediated by spatial and vibration codes (duplex theory). Vibration coding, driven by relative motion between digit and stimulus, is involved in the perception of very fine gratings wh... Read More about Evidence for vibration coding of sliding tactile textures in auditory cortex.

Applied Scenarios: Embedding Psychological Literacy in Assessment (2023)
Journal Article
Einav, S., Spence, A., Blackie, L. E., Cassidy, S., & Allen, H. A. (2024). Applied Scenarios: Embedding Psychological Literacy in Assessment. Psychology Learning and Teaching, 23(2), 224 - 234.

Psychological literacy refers to the ability of a psychology student to use psychological knowledge, rather than merely learn it, in the context of personal, social, and organizational issues. Embedding psychological literacy in assessment is a criti... Read More about Applied Scenarios: Embedding Psychological Literacy in Assessment.

The effect of unisensory and multisensory information on lexical decision and free recall in young and older adults (2023)
Journal Article
Atkin, C., Stacey, J. E., Roberts, K. L., Allen, H. A., Henshaw, H., & Badham, S. P. (2023). The effect of unisensory and multisensory information on lexical decision and free recall in young and older adults. Scientific Reports, 13, Article 16575.

Studies using simple low-level stimuli show that multisensory stimuli lead to greater improvements in processing speed for older adults than young adults. However, there is insufficient evidence to explain how these benefits influence performance for... Read More about The effect of unisensory and multisensory information on lexical decision and free recall in young and older adults.

Eye movements are made to the centre of gravity of texture-defined targets (2023)
Journal Article
Sidhu, S. K., Allen, H. A., & Keeble, D. R. (2023). Eye movements are made to the centre of gravity of texture-defined targets. Vision Research, 210, Article 108264.

Saccadic localisation of targets of various properties has been extensively studied, but rarely for texture-defined figures. In this paper, three experiments that investigate the way information from a texture target is processed in order to provide... Read More about Eye movements are made to the centre of gravity of texture-defined targets.