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Professor HARRIET ALLEN's Outputs (2)

Endogenous control is insufficient for preventing attentional capture in children and adults (2022)
Journal Article
Hayre, R. K., Cragg, L., & Allen, H. A. (2022). Endogenous control is insufficient for preventing attentional capture in children and adults. Acta Psychologica, 228, Article 103611.

Adults are known to have developed the ability to selectively focus their attention in a goal-driven (endogenous) manner but it is less clear at what stage in development (5-6 & 9-11 years) children can endogenously control their attention and whethe... Read More about Endogenous control is insufficient for preventing attentional capture in children and adults.

Does audio-visual information result in improved health-related decision-making compared with audio-only or visual-only information? Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Stacey, J. E., Atkin, C., Henshaw, H., Roberts, K. L., Allen, H. A., Justice, L. V., & Badham, S. P. (2022). Does audio-visual information result in improved health-related decision-making compared with audio-only or visual-only information? Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 12(4), Article e059599.

INTRODUCTION: Making health-related decisions can be difficult due to the amount and complexity of information available. Audio-visual information may improve memory for health information but whether audio-visual information can enhance health-relat... Read More about Does audio-visual information result in improved health-related decision-making compared with audio-only or visual-only information? Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis.