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Professor HARRIET ALLEN's Outputs (2)

The Effect of a Secondary Task on Drivers’ Gap Acceptance and Situational Awareness at Junctions (2020)
Journal Article
Robbins, C. J., Rogers, J., Walton, S., Allen, H. A., & Chapman, P. (2021). The Effect of a Secondary Task on Drivers’ Gap Acceptance and Situational Awareness at Junctions. Ergonomics, 64(2), 184-198.

The current studies explored the roles of the visuospatial and phonological working memory subsystems on drivers’ gap acceptance and memory for approaching vehicles at junctions. Drivers’ behaviour was measured in a high-fidelity driving simulator wh... Read More about The Effect of a Secondary Task on Drivers’ Gap Acceptance and Situational Awareness at Junctions.

How do drivers recall positive and negative driving events? A quantitative approach to analysing driving diaries (2020)
Journal Article
Barnard, M., Pampel, S., Burnett, G., Allen, H., & Chapman, P. (2020). How do drivers recall positive and negative driving events? A quantitative approach to analysing driving diaries. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 69, 28-37.

Whilst diary studies are often analysed in a qualitative manner, quantitative methods which analyse the percentage of different types of language used in diary entries, now exist. From a driving perspective, this could arguably tell us more about the... Read More about How do drivers recall positive and negative driving events? A quantitative approach to analysing driving diaries.