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Professor HARRIET ALLEN's Outputs (5)

Does stereopsis account for the link between motor and social skills in adults? (2018)
Journal Article
Smith, D., Ropar, D., & Allen, H. A. (2018). Does stereopsis account for the link between motor and social skills in adults?. Molecular Autism, 9, Article 55.

Background: Experimental and longitudinal evidence suggests that motor proficiency plays an important role in the development of social skills. However, stereopsis, or depth perception, may also play a fundamental role in social skill development eit... Read More about Does stereopsis account for the link between motor and social skills in adults?.

Comparing drivers’ gap acceptance for cars and motorcycles at junctions using an adaptive staircase methodology (2018)
Journal Article
Robbins, C. J., Allen, H. A., & Chapman, P. (2018). Comparing drivers’ gap acceptance for cars and motorcycles at junctions using an adaptive staircase methodology. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 58, 944-954.

A disproportionate number of road deaths occur at intersections where one vehicle is a motorcycle. Previous research has not systematically varied the type of vehicles presented in a controlled environment.
We compared drivers’ (n=54) gap acceptance... Read More about Comparing drivers’ gap acceptance for cars and motorcycles at junctions using an adaptive staircase methodology.

Vision dominates audition in adults but not children: A meta-analysis of the Colavita effect (2018)
Journal Article
Hirst, R. J., Cragg, L., & Allen, H. A. (2018). Vision dominates audition in adults but not children: A meta-analysis of the Colavita effect. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 94, 286-301.

The Colavita effect occurs when participants respond only to the visual element of an audio-visual stimulus. This visual dominance effect is proposed to arise from asymmetric facilitation and inhibition between modalities. It has also been proposed t... Read More about Vision dominates audition in adults but not children: A meta-analysis of the Colavita effect.

Comparing car drivers’ and motorcyclists’ opinions about junction crashes (2018)
Journal Article
Robbins, C. J., Allen, H. A., & Chapman, P. (2018). Comparing car drivers’ and motorcyclists’ opinions about junction crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 117,

Motorcyclists are involved in a disproportionate number of crashes given the distance they travel, with a high proportion of these crashes occurring at junctions. Despite car drivers being solely responsible for many road crashes involving a motorcyc... Read More about Comparing car drivers’ and motorcyclists’ opinions about junction crashes.