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Dr Michael Fay's Outputs (1)

Characterisation of flame-generated soot and soot-in-oil using electron tomography volume reconstructions and comparison with traditional 2D-TEM measurements (2016)
Journal Article
Orhan, O., Haffner-Staton, E., La Rocca, A., & Fay, M. (2016). Characterisation of flame-generated soot and soot-in-oil using electron tomography volume reconstructions and comparison with traditional 2D-TEM measurements. Tribology International, 104, 272-284.

This work characterises soot nanoparticles by electron tomography using Weighted Back Projection algorithm and appraises the uncertainties in two-dimensional calculations by comparison with 3D parameters for flame-generated soot and diesel soot-in-oi... Read More about Characterisation of flame-generated soot and soot-in-oil using electron tomography volume reconstructions and comparison with traditional 2D-TEM measurements.