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Dr KEVIN EDMONDS's Outputs (35)

Current polarity-dependent manipulation of antiferromagnetic domains (2018)
Journal Article
Wadley, P., Reimers, S., Grzybowski, M. J., Andrews, C., Wang, M., Chauhan, J., Gallagher, B. L., Campion, R. P., Edmonds, K. W., Dhesi, S. S., Maccherozzi, F., Novák, V., Wunderlich, J., & Jungwirth, T. (2018). Current polarity-dependent manipulation of antiferromagnetic domains. Nature Nanotechnology, 13(5), 362-365.

Antiferromagnets have several favourable properties as active elements in spintronic devices, including ultra-fast dynamics, zero stray fields and insensitivity to external magnetic fields. Tetragonal CuMnAs is a testbed system in which the antiferro... Read More about Current polarity-dependent manipulation of antiferromagnetic domains.

Switching the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy by ion irradiation induced compensation (2018)
Journal Article
Yuan, Y., Amarouche, T., Xu, C., Rushforth, A., Böttger, R., Edmonds, K., Campion, R., Gallagher, B., Helm, M., Von Bardeleben, H. J., & Zhou, S. (2018). Switching the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy by ion irradiation induced compensation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51(14),

© 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd. In the present work, the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy of GaMnAsP is modified by helium ion irradiation. According to the micro-magnetic parameters, e.g. resonance fields and anisotropy constants deduced from ferromagnetic r... Read More about Switching the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy by ion irradiation induced compensation.

Control of antiferromagnetic spin axis orientation in bilayer Fe/CuMnAs films (2017)
Journal Article
Wadley, P., Edmonds, K., Shahedkhah, M., Campion, R., Gallagher, B., Železný, J., Kunes, J., Novák, V., Jungwirth, T., Saidl, V., Němec, P., Maccherozzi, F., & Dhesi, S. (in press). Control of antiferromagnetic spin axis orientation in bilayer Fe/CuMnAs films. Scientific Reports, 7, Article 11147.

Using x-ray magnetic circular and linear dichroism techniques, we demonstrate a collinear exchange coupling between an epitaxial antiferromagnet, tetragonal CuMnAs, and an Fe surface layer. A small uncompensated Mn magnetic moment is observed which i... Read More about Control of antiferromagnetic spin axis orientation in bilayer Fe/CuMnAs films.

Deterministic control of magnetic vortex wall chirality by electric field (2017)
Journal Article
Beardsley, R., Bowe, S., Parkes, D., Reardon, C., Edmonds, K., Gallagher, B., Cavill, S., & Rushforth, A. (2017). Deterministic control of magnetic vortex wall chirality by electric field. Scientific Reports, 7, Article 7613.

Concepts for information storage and logical processing based on magnetic domain walls have great potential for implementation in future information and communications technologies. To date, the need to apply power hungry magnetic fields or heat diss... Read More about Deterministic control of magnetic vortex wall chirality by electric field.

Antiferromagnetic CuMnAs multi-level memory cell with microelectronic compatibility (2017)
Journal Article
Olejnik, K., Schuler, V., Marti, X., Novák, V., Kaspar, Z., Wadley, P., Campion, R. P., Edmonds, K. W., Gallagher, B. L., Garces, J., Baumgartner, M., Gambardella, P., & Jungwirth, T. (2017). Antiferromagnetic CuMnAs multi-level memory cell with microelectronic compatibility. Nature Communications, 8, Article 15434.

Antiferromagnets offer a unique combination of properties including the radiation and magnetic field hardness, the absence of stray magnetic fields, and the spin-dynamics frequency scale in terahertz. Recent experiments have demonstrated that relativ... Read More about Antiferromagnetic CuMnAs multi-level memory cell with microelectronic compatibility.

Electric field control of deterministic current-induced magnetization switching in a hybrid ferromagnetic/ferroelectric structure (2017)
Journal Article
Cai, K.-M., Yang, M.-Y., Ju, H., Wang, S., Ji, Y., Li, B., Edmonds, K., Sheng, Y., Zhang, B., Zhang, N., Liu, S., Zheng, H.-Z., & Wang, K. (in press). Electric field control of deterministic current-induced magnetization switching in a hybrid ferromagnetic/ferroelectric structure. Nature Materials, 16(7),

All-electrical and programmable manipulations of ferromagnetic bits are highly pursued for the aim of high integration and low energy consumption in modern information technology1, 2, 3. Methods based on the spin–orbit torque switching4, 5, 6 in heav... Read More about Electric field control of deterministic current-induced magnetization switching in a hybrid ferromagnetic/ferroelectric structure.

Effect of lithographically-induced strain relaxation on the magnetic domain configuration in microfabricated epitaxially grown Fe81Ga19 (2017)
Journal Article
Beardsley, R. P., Parkes, D. E., Zemen, J., Bowe, S., Edmonds, K. W., Reardon, C., Maccherozzi, F., Isakov, I., Warburton, P. A., Campion, R. P., Gallagher, B. L., Cavill, S. A., & Rushforth, A. W. (2017). Effect of lithographically-induced strain relaxation on the magnetic domain configuration in microfabricated epitaxially grown Fe81Ga19. Scientific Reports, 7(1), Article 42107.

We investigate the role of lithographically-induced strain relaxation in a micron-scaled device fabricated from epitaxial thin films of the magnetostrictive alloy Fe81Ga19. The strain relaxation due to lithographic patterning induces a magnetic aniso... Read More about Effect of lithographically-induced strain relaxation on the magnetic domain configuration in microfabricated epitaxially grown Fe81Ga19.

Imaging current-induced switching of antiferromagnetic domains in CuMnAs (2017)
Journal Article
Grzybowski, M., Wadley, P., Edmonds, K., Beardsley, R., Hills, V. A., Campion, R., Gallagher, B., Chauhan, J. S., Novák, V., Jungwirth, T., Maccherozzi, F., & Dhesi, S. (2017). Imaging current-induced switching of antiferromagnetic domains in CuMnAs. Physical Review Letters, 118(5), Article 057701.

The magnetic order in antiferromagnetic materials is hard to control with external magnetic fields. Using X-ray Magnetic Linear Dichroism microscopy, we show that staggered effective fields generated by electrical current can induce modification of t... Read More about Imaging current-induced switching of antiferromagnetic domains in CuMnAs.

Optical determination of the Néel vector in a CuMnAs thin-film antiferromagnet (2017)
Journal Article
Saidl, V., Němec, P., Wadley, P., Hills, V., Campion, R. P., Novák, V., Edmonds, K. W., Maccherozzi, F., Dhesi, S. S., Gallagher, B. L., Trojánek, F., Kunes, J., Železný, J., Malý, P., & Jungwirth, T. (2017). Optical determination of the Néel vector in a CuMnAs thin-film antiferromagnet. Nature Photonics, 11(2), 91-96.

Recent breakthroughs in electrical detection and manipulation of antiferromagnets have opened a new avenue in the research of non-volatile spintronic devices.1-10 Antiparallel spin sublattices in antiferromagnets, producing zero dipolar fields, lead... Read More about Optical determination of the Néel vector in a CuMnAs thin-film antiferromagnet.

Piezo voltage controlled planar hall effect devices (2016)
Journal Article
Zhang, B., Meng, K.-K., Yang, M.-Y., Edmonds, K., Zhang, H., Cai, K.-M., Sheng, Y., Zhang, N., Ji, Y., Zhao, J.-H., Zheng, H.-Z., & Wang, K.-Y. (2016). Piezo voltage controlled planar hall effect devices. Scientific Reports, 6(1), Article 28458.

The electrical control of the magnetization switching in ferromagnets is highly desired for future spintronic applications. Here we report on hybrid piezoelectric (PZT)/ferromagnetic (Co2FeAl) devices in which the planar Hall voltage in the ferromagn... Read More about Piezo voltage controlled planar hall effect devices.

Three-dimensional Heisenberg critical behavior in the highly disordered dilute ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As (2016)
Journal Article
Wang, M., Marshall, R. A., Edmonds, K. W., Rushforth, A., Campion, R., & Gallagher, B. (2016). Three-dimensional Heisenberg critical behavior in the highly disordered dilute ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As. Physical Review B, 93(18), Article 184417.

We present detailed studies of critical behavior in the strongly site-disordered dilute ferromagnetic semiconductor
(Ga,Mn)As. (Ga,Mn)As has a low saturation magnetization and relatively strong magnetocrystalline anisotropy. This combination of prop... Read More about Three-dimensional Heisenberg critical behavior in the highly disordered dilute ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As.

Spin-orbit torque in Pt/CoNiCo/Pt symmetric devices (2016)
Journal Article
Yang, M., Cai, K., Ju, H., Edmonds, K., Yang, G., Liu, S., Li, B., Zhang, B., Sheng, Y., Wang, S., Ji, Y., & Wang, K. (2016). Spin-orbit torque in Pt/CoNiCo/Pt symmetric devices. Scientific Reports, 6,

Current induced magnetization switching by spin-orbit torques offers an energy-efficient means of writing information in heavy metal/ferromagnet (FM) multilayer systems. The relative contributions of field-like torques and damping-like torques to the... Read More about Spin-orbit torque in Pt/CoNiCo/Pt symmetric devices.

Electrical switching of an antiferromagnet (2016)
Journal Article
Wadley, P., Howells, B., Železný, J., Andrews, C., Hills, V., Campion, R. P., Novák, V., Olejnik, K., Maccherozzi, F., Dhesi, S. S., Martin, S. Y., Wagner, T., Wunderlich, J., Freimuth, F., Mokrousov, Y., Kunes, J., Chauhan, J., Grzybowski, M. J., Rushforth, A. W., Edmonds, K. W., …Jungwirth, T. (2016). Electrical switching of an antiferromagnet. Science, 351(6273), 587-590.

Antiferromagnets are hard to control by external magnetic fields because of the alternating directions of magnetic moments on individual atoms and the resulting zero net magnetization. However, relativistic quantum mechanics allows for generating cur... Read More about Electrical switching of an antiferromagnet.

Antiferromagnetic structure in tetragonal CuMnAs thin films (2015)
Journal Article
Wadley, P., Hills, V. A., Shahedkhah, M. R., Edmonds, K. W., Campion, R. P., Novák, V., Ouladdiaf, B., Khalyavin, D., Langridge, S., Saidl, V., Němec, P., Rushforth, A. W., Gallagher, B. L., Dhesi, S. S., Maccherozzi, F., Železný, J., & Jungwirth, T. (2015). Antiferromagnetic structure in tetragonal CuMnAs thin films. Scientific Reports, 5(1), Article 17079.

Tetragonal CuMnAs is an antiferromagnetic material with favourable properties for applications in spintronics. Using a combination of neutron diffraction and x-ray magnetic linear dichroism, we determine the spin axis and magnetic structure in tetrag... Read More about Antiferromagnetic structure in tetragonal CuMnAs thin films.