Quenching of an antiferromagnet into high resistivity states using electrical or ultrashort optical pulses
Journal Article
Kašpar, Z., Surýnek, M., Zubáč, J., Krizek, F., Novák, V., Campion, R. P., Wörnle, M. S., Gambardella, P., Marti, X., Němec, P., Edmonds, K. W., Reimers, S., Amin, O. J., Maccherozzi, F., Dhesi, S. S., Wadley, P., Wunderlich, J., Olejník, K., & Jungwirth, T. (2021). Quenching of an antiferromagnet into high resistivity states using electrical or ultrashort optical pulses. Nature Electronics, 4(1), 30-37. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41928-020-00506-4
Antiferromagnets are of potential use in the development of spintronic devices due to their ultrafast dynamics, insensitivity to external magnetic fields and absence of magnetic stray fields. Similar to their ferromagnetic counterparts, antiferromagn... Read More about Quenching of an antiferromagnet into high resistivity states using electrical or ultrashort optical pulses.