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Professor SARAH SHARPLES's Outputs (5)

An interview analysis of coordination behaviours in out-of-hours secondary care (2019)
Journal Article
Martindale, S., Golightly, D., Pinchin, J., Shaw, D., Blakey, J., Perez, I., & Sharples, S. (2019). An interview analysis of coordination behaviours in out-of-hours secondary care. Applied Ergonomics, 81, Article 102861.

This paper seeks to elicit and structure the factors that shape the execution and, in particular, the coordination of work in Out of Hours care. Evenings and weekends in UK hospitals are managed by specific Out of Hours (OoH) care arrangements, and a... Read More about An interview analysis of coordination behaviours in out-of-hours secondary care.

How Stress and Mental Workload are Connected (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alsuraykh, N. H., Wilson, M. L., Tennent, P., & Sharples, S. (2019, May). How Stress and Mental Workload are Connected. Presented at PervasiveHealth'19: The 13th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Trento, Italy

Mental Workload (MWL) can be both good and bad; we can thrive under high MWL, or our performance can drop if the demands become either too low or too high. Similarly, stress is not always bad, short term stress can be beneficial to overcome a challen... Read More about How Stress and Mental Workload are Connected.

Young adults' attitudes to sharing whole-genome sequencing information: a university-based survey (2019)
Journal Article
Stringer, P., Sharples, S., Thomson, B. J., & Garibaldi, J. M. (2019). Young adults' attitudes to sharing whole-genome sequencing information: a university-based survey. BMC Medical Genomics, 12, Article 55.

Genomic services are increasingly accessible to young adults starting their independent lives with responsibility for their self-care, yet their attitudes to sharing genomic information remain under-researched. This study explored attitud... Read More about Young adults' attitudes to sharing whole-genome sequencing information: a university-based survey.

The impact of an electronic patient bedside observation and handover system on clinical practice: mixed-methods evaluation (2019)
Journal Article
Lang, A., Simmonds, M., Pinchin, J., Sharples, S., Dunn, L., Clarke, S., Bennett, O., Wood, S., & Swinscoe, C. (2019). The impact of an electronic patient bedside observation and handover system on clinical practice: mixed-methods evaluation. JMIR Medical Informatics, 7(1), Article e11678.

Background: Patient safety literature has long reported the need for early recognition of deteriorating patients. Early warning scores (EWSs) are commonly implemented as “track and trigger,” or rapid response systems for monitoring and early recognit... Read More about The impact of an electronic patient bedside observation and handover system on clinical practice: mixed-methods evaluation.

Human factors in exclusive and shared use in the UK transport system (2019)
Golightly, D., Houghton, R., HUGHES, N., & Sharples, S. (2019). Human factors in exclusive and shared use in the UK transport system. London: Foresight, Government Office for Science

Transport sharing describes a growing set of practices, systems and services that sit between traditional notions of private and public transport provision, and may have benefits in terms of both improving mobility in society and helping to address e... Read More about Human factors in exclusive and shared use in the UK transport system.