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Professor SARAH SHARPLES's Outputs (2)

NightShift simulation to train newly qualified doctors in non-technical skills: a feasibility study (2016)
Journal Article
Brown, M., Pinchin, J., Valand, R., Larkin, C., Pattinson, J., Benning, K., Housley, G., Hatton, J., Shaw, D. E., Syrysko, P., Sharples, S., & Blakey, J. (2016). NightShift simulation to train newly qualified doctors in non-technical skills: a feasibility study. Future Hospital Journal, 3(2),

There is growing evidence of greater rates of morbidity and mortality in hospitals during out-of-hours shifts, which appears to be exacerbated during the period in which newly qualified doctors commence work. In order to combat this issue, an online... Read More about NightShift simulation to train newly qualified doctors in non-technical skills: a feasibility study.

Participant experiences of mobile device-based diary studies (2013)
Journal Article
Sun, X., Golightly, D., Cranwell, J., Bedwell, B. D., & Sharples, S. (2013). Participant experiences of mobile device-based diary studies. International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction, 5(2),

Mobile device-based diary studies have potential as contextual data capture methods that address the limitations of the traditional paper-based diary method. While there have been a number of studies that demonstrate the power of the mobile device-ba... Read More about Participant experiences of mobile device-based diary studies.