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Professor GLENN MCDOWELL's Outputs (4)

On the micro mechanics of one-dimensional normal compression (2015)
Journal Article
McDowell, G. R., & de Bono, J. P. (2015). On the micro mechanics of one-dimensional normal compression. Géotechnique, 63(11),

Discrete-element modelling has been used to investigate the micro mechanics of one-dimensional compression. One-dimensional compression is modelled in three dimensions using an oedometer and a large number of particles, and without the use of agglome... Read More about On the micro mechanics of one-dimensional normal compression.

Discrete element modelling and cavity expansion analysis of cone penetration testing (2015)
Journal Article
Falagush, O., McDowell, G. R., Yu, H.-S., & de Bono, J. P. (in press). Discrete element modelling and cavity expansion analysis of cone penetration testing. Granular Matter, 17(4),

This paper uses the discrete element method (DEM) in three dimensions to simulate cone penetration testing (CPT) of granular materials in a calibration chamber. Several researchers have used different numerical techniques such as strain path methods... Read More about Discrete element modelling and cavity expansion analysis of cone penetration testing.

Micro mechanics of critical states for isotropically overconsolidated sand (2015)
Journal Article
McDowell, G. R., Yue, P., & de Bono, J. P. (2015). Micro mechanics of critical states for isotropically overconsolidated sand. Powder Technology, 283,

The discrete element method has been used to investigate the micro mechanics of shearing to a critical state on the loose and dense sides of critical. Isotropic compression has previously been modelled in 3D using a large number of particles and with... Read More about Micro mechanics of critical states for isotropically overconsolidated sand.

Discrete element modelling of creep of asphalt mixtures (2015)
Journal Article
Cai, W., McDowell, G. R., Airey, G., & de Bono, J. P. (in press). Discrete element modelling of creep of asphalt mixtures. Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 11(1),

Creep tests on asphalt mixtures have been undertaken under four stress levels in the laboratory while the Discrete Element Model (DEM) has been used to simulate the laboratory tests. A modified Burger’s model has been used to represent the time-depen... Read More about Discrete element modelling of creep of asphalt mixtures.