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Professor GLENN MCDOWELL's Outputs (2)

Investigating the effects of particle shape on normal compression and overconsolidation using DEM (2016)
Journal Article
de Bono, J. P., & McDowell, G. R. (in press). Investigating the effects of particle shape on normal compression and overconsolidation using DEM. Granular Matter, 18(3),

Discrete element modelling of normal compression has been simulated on a sample of breakable two-ball clumps and compared to that of spheres. In both cases the size effect on strength is assumed to be that of real silica sand. The slopes of the norma... Read More about Investigating the effects of particle shape on normal compression and overconsolidation using DEM.

The fractal micro mechanics of normal compression (2016)
Journal Article
de Bono, J. P., & McDowell, G. R. (2016). The fractal micro mechanics of normal compression. Computers and Geotechnics, 78, 11-24.

The fundamental fractal micro mechanics of normal compression of granular materials is studied using DEM. This paper examines the emergence of a finite fractal bounded by two particle sizes as stress increases, and the evolution of various definition... Read More about The fractal micro mechanics of normal compression.