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Dr PETER CHAPMAN's Outputs (3)

Are anxiety and fear separable emotions in driving?: laboratory study of behavioural and physiological responses to different driving environments (2015)
Journal Article
Barnard, M. P., & Chapman, P. (2016). Are anxiety and fear separable emotions in driving?: laboratory study of behavioural and physiological responses to different driving environments. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 86,

Research into anxiety and driving has indicated that those higher in anxiety are potentially more dangerous on the roads. However, simulator findings suggest that conclusions are mixed at best. It is possible that anxiety is becoming confused with fe... Read More about Are anxiety and fear separable emotions in driving?: laboratory study of behavioural and physiological responses to different driving environments.

Processing of Spontaneous Emotional Responses in Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Effect of Stimulus Type (2015)
Journal Article
Cassidy, S., Chapman, P., Ropar, D., & Mitchell, P. (2015). Processing of Spontaneous Emotional Responses in Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Effect of Stimulus Type. Autism Research, 8(5), 534-544.

Recent research has shown that adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have difficulty interpreting others' emotional responses, in order to work out what actually happened to them. It is unclear what underlies this difficulty; important cues may... Read More about Processing of Spontaneous Emotional Responses in Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Effect of Stimulus Type.