The Elusive Peace of Panmunjom
Book Chapter
Kritsiotis, D. (2020). The Elusive Peace of Panmunjom. In M. Craven, S. Pahuja, & G. Simpson (Eds.), International Law and the Cold War (49-78). Cambridge University Press.
Professor DINO KRITSIOTIS's Outputs (4)
The Establishment, Change, and Expansion of Jurisdiction Through Treaties (2019)
Book Chapter
Kritsiotis, D. (2019). The Establishment, Change, and Expansion of Jurisdiction Through Treaties. In The Oxford Handbook of Jurisdiction in International Law (251-299). Oxford University Press. chapter studies the insufficiency of the so-called traditional principles of jurisdiction—territoriality, nationality, protection, universality, and passive personality—when set against jurisdictional provisions of treaties and in customary inte... Read More about The Establishment, Change, and Expansion of Jurisdiction Through Treaties.
The object and purpose of a treaty's object and purpose (2018)
Book Chapter
Kritsiotis, D. (2018). The object and purpose of a treaty's object and purpose. In M. J. Bowman, & D. Kritsiotis (Eds.), Conceptual and contextual perspectives on the modern law of treaties (237-302). Cambridge University Press.
Theorizing International Law on Force and Intervention (2016)
Book Chapter
KRITSIOTIS, D. (2016). Theorizing International Law on Force and Intervention. In A. Orford, & F. Hoffmann (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Theory of International Law (655-683). Oxford University Press. chapter makes its analysis of force and intervention through the art and craft of making legal justifications. It asks why legal justifications are made at all, giving some sense of the circumstances in which these justifications take their esse... Read More about Theorizing International Law on Force and Intervention.