Status and Progress of Nanomaterials Application in Hydrogen Storage
Book Chapter
Güleç, F., Oakley, W., Liu, X., Nayebossadri, S., Wang, F., Smith, E. K., Barakat, S. M., & Lester, E. H. (2024). Status and Progress of Nanomaterials Application in Hydrogen Storage. In J. A. Okolie, E. I. Epelle, A. Mukherjee, & A. El Din Mahmoud (Eds.), Nanomaterials for Sustainable Hydrogen Production and Storage (136-165). CRC Press.
Hydrogen could be one of the long-term environmentally friendly solutions for a sustainable and clean energy future. The fundamental elements of a hydrogen economy are sustainable and clean hydrogen production, low-cost/high-capacity storage, wide di... Read More about Status and Progress of Nanomaterials Application in Hydrogen Storage.