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Professor Charles Watkins' Outputs (24)

‘An incredibly vile sport’: campaigns against otter hunting in Britain, 1900–39 (2016)
Journal Article
Allen, D., Watkins, C., & Matless, D. (2016). ‘An incredibly vile sport’: campaigns against otter hunting in Britain, 1900–39. Rural History, 27(1),

Otter hunting was a minor field sport in Britain but in the early years of the twentieth century a lively campaign to ban it was orchestrated by several individuals and anti-hunting societies. The sport became increasingly popular in the late ninetee... Read More about ‘An incredibly vile sport’: campaigns against otter hunting in Britain, 1900–39.

The wolf in the landscape: Antonio Cesena and attitudes to wolves in sixteenth century Liguria (2015)
Journal Article
Hearn, R., Balzaretti, R., & Watkins, C. (2015). The wolf in the landscape: Antonio Cesena and attitudes to wolves in sixteenth century Liguria. Rural History, 26(1),

The recent reappearance of wolves in many areas of Europe has stimulated an interest in the past relationships between the species and humans in various different geographical locations and historical epochs. The image of wolves approaching and enter... Read More about The wolf in the landscape: Antonio Cesena and attitudes to wolves in sixteenth century Liguria.