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Professor KULWANT PAWAR's Outputs (4)

3D printing services: classification, supply chain implications and research agenda (2016)
Journal Article
Rogers, H., Baricz, N., & Pawar, K. S. (2016). 3D printing services: classification, supply chain implications and research agenda. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 46(10),

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify and classify the available types of 3D printing services, with the scope of determining the potential implications that such services could have on the supply chains of manufacturing firms and creatin... Read More about 3D printing services: classification, supply chain implications and research agenda.

Cold chain configuration design: location-allocation decision-making using coordination, value deterioration, and big data approximation (2016)
Journal Article
Singh, A. K., Subramanian, N., Pawar, K. S., & Bai, R. (2018). Cold chain configuration design: location-allocation decision-making using coordination, value deterioration, and big data approximation. Annals of Operations Research, 270(1-2), 433-457.

© 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York. The study proposes a cold chain location-allocation configuration decision model for shippers and customers by considering value deterioration and coordination by using big data approximation. Value d... Read More about Cold chain configuration design: location-allocation decision-making using coordination, value deterioration, and big data approximation.

Short-term versus long-term benefits: balanced sustainability framework and research propositions (2016)
Journal Article
Wu, L., Subramanian, N., Abdulrahman, M. D., Liu, C., & Pawar, K. S. (2017). Short-term versus long-term benefits: balanced sustainability framework and research propositions. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 11, 18-30

Sustainability research has been expanding rapidly during recent decades. Such research takes various forms with the identification of mixed results. Even though there are several review articles on sustainability with valuable insights, the time dim... Read More about Short-term versus long-term benefits: balanced sustainability framework and research propositions.

Supply chain configuration conundrum: how does the pharmaceutical industry mitigate disturbance factors? (2016)
Journal Article
Huq, F. A., Pawar, K. S., & Rogers, H. (in press). Supply chain configuration conundrum: how does the pharmaceutical industry mitigate disturbance factors?. Production Planning and Control, 27(14),

How a supply chain (SC) is configured can have a significant impact on the performance of global firms. More specifically, disturbance factors (i.e. those factors associated with uncertainty and risk) are increasingly important considerations. This p... Read More about Supply chain configuration conundrum: how does the pharmaceutical industry mitigate disturbance factors?.