Shetland and the Runic Diaspora
Book Chapter
Jesch, J. (2023). Shetland and the Runic Diaspora. In R. Foster, & C. Cooijmans (Eds.), History, Landscape, and Language in the Northern Isles and Caithness: A'm Grippit Dis Laand’. A Gedenkschrift for Doreen Waugh. Brepols Publishers
Professor JUDITH JESCH's Outputs (13)
Scandinavian Runes in England: Dating, Distribution, and Contexts (2023)
Book Chapter
Jesch, J. Scandinavian Runes in England: Dating, Distribution, and Contexts. In R. Dance, S. Pons-Sanz, & B. Schorn (Eds.), The Legacy of Medieval Scandinavian Encounters with England and the Insular World. Brepols Publishers
Further Thoughts on E18 Saltfleetby (2020)
Journal Article
Jesch, J. (2020). Further Thoughts on E18 Saltfleetby. Futhark: International Journal of Runic Studies, 9-10, 201-213. article reconsiders some of the runological, linguistic and cultural aspects of the 2010 find in Lincolnshire, England, of a lead spindle whorl inscribed with Scandinavian runes. In particular, the discussion leads to the conclusion that the insc... Read More about Further Thoughts on E18 Saltfleetby.
Healing runes (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jesch, J., & Lee, C. (2017, August). Healing runes. Presented at 18th Viking Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark
Runes and Verse: The Medialities of Early Scandinavian Poetry (2017)
Journal Article
Jesch, J. (2017). Runes and Verse: The Medialities of Early Scandinavian Poetry. European Journal of Scandinavian Studies, 47(1), 181-202. paper discusses a number of versified runic inscriptions, mainly from Scandinavia, and from ca. 400 to 1400 AD, to explore what they reveal about the forms and functions of early Scandinavian poetry outside the manuscript tradition. With a partic... Read More about Runes and Verse: The Medialities of Early Scandinavian Poetry.
The threatening wave: Norse poetry and the Scottish Isles (2015)
Book Chapter
Jesch, J. (2015). The threatening wave: Norse poetry and the Scottish Isles. In J. H. Barrett, & S.-J. Gibbon (Eds.), Maritime societies of the Viking and Medieval world (320-332). Maney PublishingThe poetry discussed in this paper presents a range of responses to sailing around the northern parts of the British Isles, by poets more or less familiar with these routes but also with Norway, Iceland and sea-ways much further afield. These poets u... Read More about The threatening wave: Norse poetry and the Scottish Isles.
The Viking Diaspora (2015)
Book Chapter
Jesch, J. (2015). The Viking Diaspora. In The Viking Diaspora (55-86). Routledge
The Viking Diaspora (2015)
Jesch, J. (2015). The Viking Diaspora. Routledge
Jómsvíkinga Sǫgur and Jómsvíkinga Drápur: texts, contexts and intertexts (2014)
Journal Article
Jesch, J. (2014). Jómsvíkinga Sǫgur and Jómsvíkinga Drápur: texts, contexts and intertexts. Scripta Islandica, 65, 81-100Using theories of intertextuality the paper explores the implications of the complex transmission of Jómsvíkinga saga, with its multiple manuscripts, versions and cross-references in other texts. It then concentrates on the story-complex about the Jó... Read More about Jómsvíkinga Sǫgur and Jómsvíkinga Drápur: texts, contexts and intertexts.
Christian Vikings: Norsemen in Western Europe in the 12th century (2014)
Book Chapter
Jesch, J. (2014). Christian Vikings: Norsemen in Western Europe in the 12th century. In P. Bauduin, & A. Musin (Eds.), Vers l'Orient et vers l'Occident: regards croisés sur les dynamiques et les transferts culturels des Vikings à la Rous ancienne = Eastwards and Westwards: multiple perspectives on the dynamics and cultural transfers from the vikings to the early Rus'. Presses universitaires de CaenFrom the late 11th century onwards, northern Europeans were also infected with the crusading spirit that swept the whole of Europe. With their knowledge of the East, their military abilities and experience, and their relatively new enthusiasm for Chr... Read More about Christian Vikings: Norsemen in Western Europe in the 12th century.
Earl Rögnvaldr of Orkney, a poet of the Viking diaspora (2013)
Journal Article
Jesch, J. (2013). Earl Rögnvaldr of Orkney, a poet of the Viking diaspora. Journal of the North Atlantic, 4, Kolsson, later Rögnvaldr, Earl of Orkney, is a truly international figure who was born in Norway, travelled to England, came to power in Northern Scotland, and then made a memorable journey through Europe and the Mediterranean to the Holy Land.... Read More about Earl Rögnvaldr of Orkney, a poet of the Viking diaspora.
Runes and words: runic lexicography in context (2013)
Journal Article
Jesch, J. (2013). Runes and words: runic lexicography in context. Futhark: International Journal of Runic Studies, 4,The paper begins by noting the lack of a comprehensive dictionary of Scandinavian runic inscriptions, as well as the absence of the runic evidence from most dictionaries of the early Scandinavian languages, and considers possible reasons for this. R... Read More about Runes and words: runic lexicography in context.
Presenting traditions in Orkneyinga saga (1996)
Journal Article
Jesch, J. (1996). Presenting traditions in Orkneyinga saga. Leeds Studies in English, 27,