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Cellular and Viral Mechanisms of HIV-1 Transmission Mediated by Dendritic Cells (2012)
Book Chapter
Coleman, C. M., St.Gelais, C., & Wu, L. (2012). Cellular and Viral Mechanisms of HIV-1 Transmission Mediated by Dendritic Cells. . Springer New York.

Dendritic cells (DCs) play a key role in the initial infection and cell-to-cell transmission events that occur upon HIV-1 infection. DCs interact closely with CD4+ T cells, the main target of HIV-1 replication. HIV-1 challenged DCs and target CD4+ T... Read More about Cellular and Viral Mechanisms of HIV-1 Transmission Mediated by Dendritic Cells.

Determining How Coronaviruses Overcome the Interferon and Innate Immune Response (2000)
Book Chapter
Coleman, C. M. (2000). Determining How Coronaviruses Overcome the Interferon and Innate Immune Response. In Coronaviruses (223-229). Springer US.

All viruses have to overcome the innate immune response in order to establish infection. Methods have been developed to assay if, and how, viruses overcome these responses, and many can be directly applied to coronaviruses. Here, in vitro methods to... Read More about Determining How Coronaviruses Overcome the Interferon and Innate Immune Response.