An Introduction to the HydroGNSS GNSS Reflectometry Remote Sensing Mission
Journal Article
Unwin, M. J., Pierdicca, N., Cardellach, E., Rautiainen, K., Foti, G., Blunt, P., Guerriero, L., Santi, E., & Tossaint, M. (2021). An Introduction to the HydroGNSS GNSS Reflectometry Remote Sensing Mission. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14, 6987-6999.
HydroGNSS (Hydrology using Global Navigation Satellite System reflections) has been selected as the second European Space Agency (ESA) Scout earth observation mission to demonstrate the capability of small satellites to deliver science. This article... Read More about An Introduction to the HydroGNSS GNSS Reflectometry Remote Sensing Mission.