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Dr CAROLINE FOX's Outputs (1)

Recovery Colleges Characterisation and Testing in England (RECOLLECT): rationale and protocol (2022)
Journal Article
Hayes, D., Henderson, C., Bakolis, I., Lawrence, V., Elliott, R. A., Ronaldson, A., Richards, G., Repper, J., Bates, P., Brewin, J., Meddings, S., Winship, G., Bishop, S., Emsley, R., Elton, D., McNaughton, R., Whitley, R., Smelson, D., Stepanian, K., McPhilbin, M., …Slade, M. (2022). Recovery Colleges Characterisation and Testing in England (RECOLLECT): rationale and protocol. BMC Psychiatry, 22(1), Article 627.

Background: Recovery Colleges are a relatively recent initiative within mental health services. The first opened in 2009 in London and since then numbers have grown. They are based on principles of personal recovery in mental health, co-production be... Read More about Recovery Colleges Characterisation and Testing in England (RECOLLECT): rationale and protocol.