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Dr RUBY CHAU's Outputs (4)

The impact of defamilisation measures on gender and pensions: a comparison between the UK and seven other European countries (2017)
Journal Article
Foster, L., Chau, R., & Yu, S. (2017). The impact of defamilisation measures on gender and pensions: a comparison between the UK and seven other European countries. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 25(3), 199-217.

This article uses individual-based and state-led care-focused defamilisation indices to explore women's employment opportunities and experiences and their implications for pension contributions. These two types of defamilisation indices are applied t... Read More about The impact of defamilisation measures on gender and pensions: a comparison between the UK and seven other European countries.

Defamilisation and leave policies -a comparative study of 14 East Asian and non-East Asian countries (2017)
Journal Article
Chau, R. C., Foster, L., & Yu, S. W. (2017). Defamilisation and leave policies -a comparative study of 14 East Asian and non-East Asian countries. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 10(3), 318-333.

This article joins the international debate on whether there is a unique East Asian welfare model. It examines the concept of defamilisation and compares various leave policies (maternity leave, paternity leave and extended parental leave) in five Ea... Read More about Defamilisation and leave policies -a comparative study of 14 East Asian and non-East Asian countries.

Defamilisation measures and women's labour force participation – a comparative study of twelve countries (2017)
Journal Article
Chau, R. C., Yu, S. W., Foster, L., & Lau, M. K. (2017). Defamilisation measures and women's labour force participation – a comparative study of twelve countries. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 33(1), 73-86.

This paper examines the relevance of two interpretations of defamilisation (“freedom of the family” and “freedom of women from the family”) to the search for effective measures for strengthening women's participation in the paid labour market. Based... Read More about Defamilisation measures and women's labour force participation – a comparative study of twelve countries.

The effects of defamilization and familization measures on the accumulation of retirement income for women in the UK (2017)
Journal Article
Chau, R. C. M., Foster, L., & Yu, S. W. K. (2017). The effects of defamilization and familization measures on the accumulation of retirement income for women in the UK. Journal of Women and Aging, 29(6), 551-561.

This article is concerned with the link between the effects of pro-market pension reforms on women and familization/defamilization measures. It aims to contribute to the study of this link in three ways. Firstly, it identifies defamilization/familiza... Read More about The effects of defamilization and familization measures on the accumulation of retirement income for women in the UK.