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Professor TOBY GREANY's Outputs (3)

The context and challenges of contemporary school leadership (2020)
Book Chapter
Earley, P., & Greany, T. (2020). The context and challenges of contemporary school leadership. In Sustaining Depth and Meaning in School Leadership (41-56). Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

In chapter 2, Peter Earley and Toby Greany provide an overview of current theories and trends within school leadership and the history behind them, drawing upon a range of recent research, including their own. They argue that, although there is no wi... Read More about The context and challenges of contemporary school leadership.

Place-based governance and leadership in decentralised school systems: evidence from England (2020)
Journal Article
Greany, T. (2022). Place-based governance and leadership in decentralised school systems: evidence from England. Journal of Education Policy, 37(2), 247-268.

Relatively few studies have explored the ways in which 'middle tier' institutional arrangements in education, such as school districts and local authorities, are responding to New Public Management reforms characterized by centralization, decentraliz... Read More about Place-based governance and leadership in decentralised school systems: evidence from England.