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Professor TOBY GREANY's Outputs (3)

More fragmented, and yet more networked: Analysing the responses of two Local Authorities in England to the Coalition's 'self-improving school-led system' reforms (2015)
Journal Article
Greany, T. (2015). More fragmented, and yet more networked: Analysing the responses of two Local Authorities in England to the Coalition's 'self-improving school-led system' reforms. London Review of Education, 13(2), 125-143.

This paper explores school reform in England under the Conservative-led Coalition government, elected in 2010, through a focus on the changing roles and status of Local Authorities (LAs). The Coalition's stated aim was the development of a 'self-impr... Read More about More fragmented, and yet more networked: Analysing the responses of two Local Authorities in England to the Coalition's 'self-improving school-led system' reforms.

Developing great teaching: lessons from the international reviews into effective professional development (2015)
Cordingley, P., Higgins, S., Greany, T., Buckler, N., Coles-Jordan, D., Crisp, B., Saunders, L., & Coe, R. (2015). Developing great teaching: lessons from the international reviews into effective professional development. Teacher Development Trust

The 2014 DfE consultation on A world-class teaching profession stated that “Feedback from the profession has consistently indicated that too many of the development opportunities on offer are of variable quality”.1 “Too often ‘CPD’ is viewed narrowly... Read More about Developing great teaching: lessons from the international reviews into effective professional development.

Partnerships between teaching schools and universities: research report (2015)
Toby, G., & Chris, B. (2015). Partnerships between teaching schools and universities: research report

Partnerships between Teaching Schools/lead schools and universities in England are in a state of flux, with historical relationships being reshaped to respond to the needs of a self-improving school-led system. This process is being accelerated by th... Read More about Partnerships between teaching schools and universities: research report.