Frequency Analysis of Monopiles with Masing-Type Hysteresis Damping Under Large-Strain Cyclic Loading
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tott-Buswell, J., Hilton, J., Berberic, S., Jalbi, S., & Prendergast, L. J. (2023, August). Frequency Analysis of Monopiles with Masing-Type Hysteresis Damping Under Large-Strain Cyclic Loading. Presented at EVACES 2023, Milan, Italy
Offshore wind turbines supported by monopiles have demonstrated their suitability to meet sustainable energy goals. However, there remains uncertainty about how long these foundations can stay operating within serviceable deflection limits after many... Read More about Frequency Analysis of Monopiles with Masing-Type Hysteresis Damping Under Large-Strain Cyclic Loading.