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Rapid Climate Change, Integrated Human–Environment–Historical Records and Societal Resilience in Georgia (2024)
Journal Article
Loveluck, C. P., Tielidze, L. G., Elashvili, M., Kurbatov, A. V., Gadrani, L., Erb-Satullo, N., von Suchodoletz, H., Dan, A., Laermanns, H., Brückner, H., Schlotzhauer, U., Sulava, N., & Chagelishvili, R. (2024). Rapid Climate Change, Integrated Human–Environment–Historical Records and Societal Resilience in Georgia. Sustainability, 16(16), 7116.

In the midlatitudes of the planet, we are facing the imminent disappearance of one of our best high-resolution (pre)historic climate and anthropogenic pollution archives, namely the loss of glacial ice, through accelerated global warming. To capture... Read More about Rapid Climate Change, Integrated Human–Environment–Historical Records and Societal Resilience in Georgia.

At the Top of the Mind: Peak Prices and the Disposition Effect (2024)
Journal Article
Quispe-Torreblanca, E., Hume, D., Gathergood, J., Loewenstein, G., & Stewart, N. (in press). At the Top of the Mind: Peak Prices and the Disposition Effect. Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics,

The disposition effect is the reluctance to sell assets at a loss relative to a salient point of reference, typically assumed to be the purchase price. Using data on stocks and housing sales, we show that the peak price achieved by an asset during th... Read More about At the Top of the Mind: Peak Prices and the Disposition Effect.

Excluding Sexual Behaviour Evidence: Back to First Principles (2024)
Journal Article
Thomason, M. (in press). Excluding Sexual Behaviour Evidence: Back to First Principles. Criminal Law Review,

Relevant sexual behaviour (SB) evidence should be admissible unless there are good reasons to exclude it. Starting from first principles, this article provides an in-depth analysis of reasons which might justify a rule of exclusion for relevant SB ev... Read More about Excluding Sexual Behaviour Evidence: Back to First Principles.

Students engage with and benefit from active learning when this is appropriately embedded in curriculum design (2024)
Journal Article
McDonald, S., Huntington, B., & Allen, H. (2024). Students engage with and benefit from active learning when this is appropriately embedded in curriculum design. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 3(2),

The present investigation sought to evaluate the influence of active and blended learning approaches to teaching on student engagement, learning gains, confidence, and sense of belonging in their psychology course. Two-hundred and eighty-four student... Read More about Students engage with and benefit from active learning when this is appropriately embedded in curriculum design.

A range of voltage-clamp protocol designs for rapid capture of hERG kinetics (2024)
Preprint / Working Paper
Lei, C. L., Whittaker, D. G., Windley, M. J., Perry, M. D., Hill, A. P., & Mirams, G. R. A range of voltage-clamp protocol designs for rapid capture of hERG kinetics

We provide details of a series of short voltage-clamp protocols designed for gathering a large amount of information on hERG (Kv11.1) ion channel gating. The protocols have a limited number of steps and consist only of steps and ramps, making them ea... Read More about A range of voltage-clamp protocol designs for rapid capture of hERG kinetics.

One-year results of the first road surface with the addition of sunflower oil porous capsules (2024)
Journal Article
Abedraba-Abdalla, M., Garcia-Hernández, A., Haughey, F., Thom, N., & Li, L. (2024). One-year results of the first road surface with the addition of sunflower oil porous capsules. Construction and Building Materials, 445, Article 137939.

This paper presents findings from the first surface course in the UK employing sunflower oil-filled porous capsules as a self-healing additive. The capsules, designed to mitigate ravelling, were tested on a road constructed at an asphalt plant and su... Read More about One-year results of the first road surface with the addition of sunflower oil porous capsules.

Exploring community-based participatory research for household and ambient air pollution projects: insights from key informants (2024)
Journal Article
Phillip, E., Walsh, A., Jewitt, S., Elnakoury, F., Simon, J., Conroy, R. M., & Stanistreet, D. (2024). Exploring community-based participatory research for household and ambient air pollution projects: insights from key informants. BMC Public Health, 24(1), Article 2233.

Background: Despite the extensive use of community-based participatory research (CBPR) in health-related projects, there is limited work on how CBPR processes result in outcomes, especially in household and ambient air pollution (HAAP) research. This... Read More about Exploring community-based participatory research for household and ambient air pollution projects: insights from key informants.

Understanding Quality of Life for People with Motor Neurone Disease Who Use Tracheostomy Ventilation and Family Members: A Scoping Review (2024)
Journal Article
Turner, N., Faull, C., Palmer, J., Armstrong, A., Bedford, J., Turner, M. R., & Wilson, E. (2024). Understanding Quality of Life for People with Motor Neurone Disease Who Use Tracheostomy Ventilation and Family Members: A Scoping Review. Brain Sciences, 14(8), Article 821.

Tracheostomy ventilation (TV) can increase survival time for people living with motor neurone disease (MND); however, the use of TV varies between countries. Concerns regarding anticipated quality of life (QoL) are among the reasons given by healthca... Read More about Understanding Quality of Life for People with Motor Neurone Disease Who Use Tracheostomy Ventilation and Family Members: A Scoping Review.

Behaviour of Textile Reinforced Concrete panels under high-velocity impact loading (2024)
Journal Article
Esaker, M., Thermou, G. E., & Neves, L. (2024). Behaviour of Textile Reinforced Concrete panels under high-velocity impact loading. Construction and Building Materials, 445, 137806.

This study aims to experimentally investigate the impact resistance of Textile Reinforced Concrete (TRC) panels under high-velocity impact loading. 54 control and TRC panels were fabricated using a standard (29 MPa) and a high (101 MPa) compressive s... Read More about Behaviour of Textile Reinforced Concrete panels under high-velocity impact loading.

Mapping, geography (2024)
Journal Article
Legg, S. (2024). Mapping, geography. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Article e12707.

This Themed Intervention consists of short papers written by nine plenary speakers at the 2024 Annual Conference of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers plus a paper by the Society's Cartographic Collections Manage... Read More about Mapping, geography.

Strategic trade policy in a Cournot oligopoly with convex cost (2024)
Journal Article
Mukherjee, A., & Sinha, U. B. (2024). Strategic trade policy in a Cournot oligopoly with convex cost. Foreign Trade Review,

We provide a simple reason for export tax in a third-country model of strategic trade policy. We show that the optimal policy under Cournot competition could be export tax in the presence of convex production costs. This happens whether or not the im... Read More about Strategic trade policy in a Cournot oligopoly with convex cost.

Geometry of Spin(10) symmetry breaking (2024)
Journal Article
Krasnov, K. (2024). Geometry of Spin(10) symmetry breaking. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 65(8), Article 082302.

We provide a new characterisation of the Standard Model gauge group GSM as a subgroup of Spin(10). The new description of GSM relies on the geometry of pure spinors. We show that GSM ⊂ Spin(10) is the group that stabilises a pure spinor Ψ1 and projec... Read More about Geometry of Spin(10) symmetry breaking.

ENTRUST-PE: An Integrated Framework for Trustworthy Pain Evidence (2024)
Preprint / Working Paper
O'Connell, N., Richards, G. C., Soliman, N., Ferraro, M. C., Segelcke, D., Eccleston, C., Stewart, G., Smart, K. M., Palermo, T. M., Rice, A. S., Vollert, J., Wainwright, E., Williams, A., Crombez, G., Wilkinson, J., Pogatzki-Zahn, E., Turk, D., Keefe, F., Pickering, G., Knaggs, R., …Norris, E. ENTRUST-PE: An Integrated Framework for Trustworthy Pain Evidence

The personal, social and economic burden of chronic pain is enormous. Yet patients with chronic pain, clinicians and the public are often poorly served by an evidence architecture that contains multiple structural weaknesses which reduce confidence i... Read More about ENTRUST-PE: An Integrated Framework for Trustworthy Pain Evidence.

Beyond Trees: Calculating Graph-Based Compilers (Functional Pearl) (2024)
Journal Article
Bahr, P., & Hutton, G. (2024). Beyond Trees: Calculating Graph-Based Compilers (Functional Pearl). Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, 8(ICFP), 370-394.

Bahr and Hutton recently developed an approach to compiler calculation that allows a wide range of compilers to be derived from specifications of their correctness. However, a limitation of the approach is that it results in compilers that produce tr... Read More about Beyond Trees: Calculating Graph-Based Compilers (Functional Pearl).

Damping wing absorption associated with a giant Ly α trough at z < 6: direct evidence for late-ending reionization (2024)
Journal Article
Becker, G. D., Bolton, J. S., Zhu, Y., & Hashemi, S. (2024). Damping wing absorption associated with a giant Ly α trough at z < 6: direct evidence for late-ending reionization. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533(2), 1525–1540.

Multiple observations now suggest that the hydrogen reionization may have ended well below redshift six. While there has previously been no conclusive proof of extended neutral islands in the z < 6 intergalactic medium, it is possible that such islan... Read More about Damping wing absorption associated with a giant Ly α trough at z < 6: direct evidence for late-ending reionization.

Late-end reionization with aton-he: towards constraints from Ly α emitters observed with JWST (2024)
Journal Article
Shikhar, A., Martin G., H., Girish, K., Dominique, A., James S., B., & Laura C., K. (2024). Late-end reionization with aton-he: towards constraints from Ly α emitters observed with JWST. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533(3), 2843-2866.

We present a new suite of late-end reionization simulations performed with ATON-HE, a revised version of the GPU-based radiative transfer code ATON that includes helium. The simulations are able to reproduce the Ly α flux distribution of the E-XQR-30... Read More about Late-end reionization with aton-he: towards constraints from Ly α emitters observed with JWST.

MoEDAL search in the CMS beam pipe for magnetic monopoles produced via the Schwinger effect (2024)
Journal Article
Acharya, B., Alexandre, J., Benes, P., Bergmann, B., Bertolucci, S., Bevan, A., Brancaccio, R., Branzas, H., Burian, P., Campbell, M., Cecchini, S., Cho, Y., de Montigny, M., De Roeck, A., Ellis, J., Fairbairn, M., Felea, D., Frank, M., Gould, O., Hays, J., …Vives, O. (2024). MoEDAL search in the CMS beam pipe for magnetic monopoles produced via the Schwinger effect. Physical Review Letters, 133(7), Article 071803.

We report on a search for magnetic monopoles (MMs) produced in ultraperipheral Pb-Pb collisions during Run 1 of the LHC. The beam pipe surrounding the interaction region of the CMS experiment was exposed to 184.07  μ⁢b−1 of Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 T... Read More about MoEDAL search in the CMS beam pipe for magnetic monopoles produced via the Schwinger effect.